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Reactions to the image of Kim Kardashian with Peul braids and a sleeveless dress


  • Kim Kardashian posted a return from her Fulani braid port, which she previously called "Bo Derek braids".
  • Kim once said that she understood the origin and importance of hairdressing and that she was not deaf.

    Here we go again. Kim Kardashian is here to post photos of her wearing Peul braids—A hairstyle that native in West Africa and in the Sahelian region of the continent. Like every time Kim appropriates a culture, her comment section is now filled with people who call her and others who say things like "iT & # 39; s JUSt HaIR". Plus, she's wearing a sleeveless dress, so there you go.

    This afternoon, Kim captioned three photos with "Flash back to my shoot with Vanessa Beecroft". (Kim also worked with Vanessa for the launch of Kimono, her shareware line n0w renamed.) She didn't say anything about her hair or her dress, but that's what her followers are for, I guess.

    Almost immediately, his page was inundated with opposing comments like:

    "Not them, the braids, my sister."

    "Nooo no need to remind people."

    "She said that black history month is over, here are the braids. I-"

    "At this point, she is doing everything to attract attention, as if she knew it was driving the ppl crazy."

    "Can we just stop with baby's braids and hair?"

    "So, braids are just for blacks ?! White people are forbidden to make braids? It's not like she takes credit for it. She just wore it. It's just a hairstyle. "

    "Feel claustrophobic when you see this."

    "What if itchy?"

    "Shit, finna, you feel lol."

    It is far from the first time that Kim has been accused of cultural appropriation, so it is entirely fair to wonder if she is only doing this to gain attention or if she is really not embarrassed.

    When Kim wore the style in January and June 2018, she insisted that she was not deaf and that she really knew what she was doing when she came out of the house with the braids. She seemed to use the North West toddler's excitement about style to justify wearing the braids and said agitation:

    "I remember (I remember) the backlash when I had blond hair and called them 'Bo Derek braids'. But I obviously know that they are called Peul braids, and I know where they come from and I am totally respectful of that. I am not deaf in the place where I do not get it. I get it. .. But I never try to disrespect anyone's culture by wearing braids. "

    Well, however she sees it, Kim's life choices are clearly not suited to her followers, as they continue to call her for it.

    News Writer
    Shannon is a journalist at, and when she's not obsessed with Cardi B, she thinks of Justin Bieber and always tries to memorize Beyoncé's choreography Beychella.

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