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Trying on men’s heels like Harry Styles gave me more confidence but also left me The Sun bulbs


I have always been 5 feet 8 inches. An inch below average. And generally, I agreed with that.

What I lacked in stature, I caught up with confidence.

    Writer Nick Harding tried on men's heels after discovering he was an inch shorter than he thought


Writer Nick Harding tried on men’s heels after discovering he was an inch shorter than he thoughtCredit: Lancton

But when a recent body analysis revealed that I am, in fact, 5 feet 7 inches, my world collapsed. I cried, although the tears soon fell.

You see, 5 feet 7 inches is the territory of Tom Cruise, Moby and Kim Jong-un. These men are all famous short donkeys (among others, of course).

I am not the only one who feels shortened. A UCLA study found that only 25% of men my size are satisfied with their size.

I turned to fashion for some quick fixes and, thanks to trend-setters like Harry Styles (6 feet) and the 1975 Matt Healy (5 feet 11 inches), men’s heels are hot right now.

    Thanks to trendy creators like Harry Styles, men's heels are hot right now


Thanks to trendy creators like Harry Styles, men’s heels are hot right now

Calvin Klein, Balenciaga and Jimmy Choo have all brought raised Cuban heel boots to their collections.

Designer Marc Jacobs recently came out with a pair of 900 Rick Owens boots with a 5 inch heel. If it’s good enough for these stylish gods, it’s good enough for me.

It doesn’t help that I’m married to a woman who loves heels. At 5 feet 7 inches, when Stéphanie puts on a pair, she dominates me. Hand in hand, we look like a track master leading a vaulted chimpanzee around the circus tent.

Wanting to recover my missing thumb, I bought affordable men’s high shoes online to restore my self-esteem.


I chose two pairs of ASOS 2 inch Cuban heel boots, one in solid black and the other in silver snake skin, for special occasions.

For everyday use, I chose a pair of black sequined high boots with a 3 inch sole. And in case of burials or job interviews, I ordered a pair of solid black Dr Martens laces with a 2-inch sole.

Putting on the black boots, the first thing that struck me was how narrow they were. Then when I got up, these two thumbs were surprisingly noticeable and I forgot about any discomfort. Instead, I really took advantage of it.

The sequin tops were perfect for a trip to the nearby Cobham supermarket, populated by several stylish Premiership footballers.

    For everyday use, I chose a pair of black sequined high boots with a 3 inch sole


For everyday use, I chose a pair of black sequined high boots with a 3 inch soleCredit: Lancton

They were the highest of my heels and after putting them on, I had to stabilize. Was it dizzy? Or was the atmosphere thinner at a higher altitude?

On the positive side, the upper shelf of the shopping aisles, previously prohibited, was now accessible. For most of my life, I have missed wild rice in the microwave and chipotle tapenade. Not anymore.

My wife went home that night, puzzled by the pickled nuts and other new foods I bought.

The next day, I took my children to London to visit an exhibition of objects from the tomb of Tutankhamen.

    Thanks to my shoes with heels, the top shelf in the shopping aisles, previously out of bounds, was now accessible


Thanks to my shoes with heels, the top shelf in the shopping aisles, previously out of bounds, was now accessibleCredit: Lancton

Normally, I wear sneakers with memory foam soles, but knowing how much King Tut liked bling, I put on the silver boots and gained an instant two inches.

The kids refused to sit next to me on the train, but I, uh, stood up over their jibes.

Certainly, boots were not the wisest choice. With swollen feet and my calves screaming in protest, I went home, the mission accomplished.

And, getting used to seeing her father in shoes that her friends would wear, my 17-year-old daughter was complimentary.

    I understand perfectly why women like to wear heels, I now saw the world from a new and powerful angle


I understand perfectly why women like to wear heels, I now saw the world from a new and powerful angleCredit: Lancton

I was starting to wonder why we men have heel problems. In fact, as television stylist Mark Heyes says: Heels were worn in the 17th century as an indication of power and wealth.

The Gucci heels we saw on the catwalk inspire an in-your-face style worn with large blouses and bold patterns, as seen on Harry Styles, he adds.

If you are going to go, you have to commit to the cause.

Taking advice from Marks the same week, I took Dr. Martens for a walk. I was getting hooked on heels, I understand why women love to wear them. I saw the world from a new and powerful angle.

I found myself Googling shoes built and found Jago JEL Secret Shoes. This website offers shoes with a 2.5 inch height increase, but the clever design includes a secret built-in heel. I immediately ordered Chelsea boots.

A few nights later, I wore them for a meal outside and, for the first time, stood a few inches more than my wife.

Heels may not be all the fashion choices for guys, but when it comes to gaining that extra inch or two, I’m all for a stacked shoe.

Ant and Dec cause chaos in high heels in The Chase for Saturday Night Takeaway

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