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Maserati Pelletessuta models bring their Italian fashion to the United States


Maserati partnered with Italian fashion house Emenegildo Zegna for seven years, dating back to the Maserati Quattroporte Ermenegildo Zegna Limited Edition concept developed as part of Maserati’s centenary celebrations in 2014. At the New York Auto Show last year, the pair unveiled the results of another collaboration, the new Pelletessuta braided leather interior. Working with skin as with thread, Zegna has woven thin strips of lightweight Napa fabric for 100 special edition vehicles that the Italian automaker promised for the U.S. market and said it would never rebuild again. After previews during Monterey Car Week in August, the 100 limited edition models finally reached American dealers. Until they are exhausted, the two models will remain here the most complete expression of the Italian prowess of the manufacturer. Meanwhile, in Italy, Maserati made a gesture towards his compatriots and his country by lighting the towers of its headquarters in Modena in the three shades of he Ticolor, the Italian flag.

There are 50 examples of the 2020 Quattroporte S Q4 GranLusso, which already comes with a Zegna luxury interior compared to the entry-level Quattroporte. Each special model carries a Blu Sofisticato metallic paint personalized with blue brake calipers. Inside, the dark brown Pelletessuta interior includes sport seats for the front passengers and a Zegna badge to highlight the work. He is joined by 50 examples of Levante S GranSport 2020 wearing Bronzo Tri-Coat and polished 21-inch Helios rims, these wheels one inch larger than standard units. The Levante interior is custom designed in black Pelletessuta fabric, enhanced with personalized Radica woodwork radica being a kind of plating or parquet with a history in Italian luxury.

The news regarding the arrival in the United States did not arrive with prices, however, so those interested would have to call a dealer for information. Given that the Quattroporte S Q4 GranLusso starts at $ 114,485 after the destination and the Levante S GranSport at $ 91,985, these are good baselines to add to the premiums required for exclusive upgrades and low volume.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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