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Camila Cabello re-wears her handkerchief dress as she shares a passionate kiss with Shawn Mendes


Camila Cabello re-wears her handkerchief dress during her forties as she shares a passionate kiss with the handsome Shawn Mendes in Miami

Camila Cabello spent a lot of quality time with her boyfriend Shawn Mendes, who is also quarantined with his family in Miami, Florida.

The passionate couple looked blissfully in love during their Sunday morning walk, which follows a week of travel on the PDA in the hometown of 23-year-old singer Liar.

While kissing on the sidewalk, Mendes, 21, tenderly wrapped an arm around Cabello, who clung to a cup of coffee with a character from the Despicable Me franchise on it.

Morning kiss: Camila Cabello spent a lot of quality time with her boyfriend Shawn Mendes, who is also quarantined with his family in Miami, Florida

Morning kiss: Camila Cabello spent a lot of quality time with her boyfriend Shawn Mendes, who is also quarantined with his family in Miami, Florida

After their makeup session, Shawn dropped his white t-shirt and showed off his tight abs and biceps.

Camila sizzled in a plunging handkerchief dress with a blue and green pattern that highlighted her slender figure.

The singer Lie To Me combined her casual look with minimalist makeup and silver hoops.

Fresh air: Cabello and Mendes looked blissfully in love during their Sunday morning walk in his hometown

Fresh air: Cabello and Mendes looked blissfully in love during their Sunday morning walk in his hometown

While she kept her long braids down, Mendes threw her curls in a mid-high hairstyle at the bottom.

The adored couple wore identical outfits Tuesday as they focused on maintaining their steamy romance.

The lovebirds have been dating for almost a year, after getting closer to their song Senorita in June of last year.

Holding hands: the passionate couple have been dating for almost a year, which followed the release of their song Senorita in June of last year

Holding hands: the passionate couple have been dating for almost a year, which followed the release of their song Senorita in June of last year

In July, they were seen kissing and holding hands while traveling across the country.

But don’t expect new music from the duo anytime soon, with Camila revealing earlier this month that being with Shawn is “ exhausting. ”

In one interview With Jimmy Hill at the Global Awards 2020 in London on March 6, the Cuban beauty shared: “ Being in love is exhausting, it takes you away ”, when asked if a new duo would soon fall.

Intrigue: don't expect new duo music anytime soon, with Camila revealing earlier this month that being with Shawn is `` exhausting ''

Intrigue: don’t expect new duo music anytime soon, with Camila revealing earlier this month that being with Shawn is “ exhausting ”

“We can’t even go to the studio, we can’t. We are trying to calm down.

Fortunately for the fans, the duo took the time to run several of their hits together in a live Instagram feed, while isolating themselves together.

The home concert included their collaborations I Know What You Did Summer Summer and Senorita, in addition to Ed Sheerans Kiss Me on March 21.

Less than a week later, Cabello announced that it would postpone its next Romance world tour amid concerns over the growing coronavirus pandemic.

Lovebirds: the duo took the time to run several of their hits together in a live Instagram feed, while self-isolating together

Lovebirds: the duo took the time to run several of their hits together in a live Instagram feed, while self-isolating together


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