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DCHS graduate finds success as fashion editor


Anna Coke Buckman lives her dream of writing and editing on everything related to shopping, including must-sell sales, new product launches and brand collaborations.

At 26, she is editor-in-chief of The Zoe Report, a New York-based online media publication that is part of the Bustle group.

I love discovering new products and telling others about them, and I love working with my amazing team of writers, she said.

Although Buckman lived in Manhattan when she started her work, she returned to Lexington, Kentucky, where she went to the University of Kentucky. She is happy to return because her family still lives outside Owensboro and she can visit her more frequently.

It was at university that Buckman, who was trying to find ways to connect with the fashion industry, found an online internship called College Fashionista.

I applied and I was accepted, and I started to photograph and write about stylish students on campus for the CF website, said Buckman.

She continued this while she was a student and during that time she ended up becoming very close to the team and the founders of College Fashionistas.

Right before I graduated, they offered me a job and I moved to Manhattan weeks after I graduated from college, she said.

She worked for them for more than two years, then she began to stretch her editorial wings and began to apply for editorial positions in fashion and beauty. This led to her occupying her current position at the Zoe Report.

Buckman, a graduate of Daviess County High School, first went to Savannah College of Art and Design to study marketing and fashion management, transferred to the University of Kentucky to be closer to friends and family. This same pull has brought it back to its original state as it is able to complete its work digitally.

She said her typical day can get wild and it’s about the same every day. She works on her computer before her four writers to get a head start in the day. Throughout the day, she assigns stories to her team while researching stories of interest. She also responds to publicists, interviews people for stories and publishes her work as writers.

In fact, I work at home, like all the writers I manage, which is a nice perk, she said.

Buckman also writes content for The Zoe Report and said she has favorites, including Logomaina from 2019 does not slow down for this unexpected reason and The 2020 paint trends that will be huge in your city (and what colors you might want to avoid, among others.

It also provides personal hairstyling services as well as home hairstyling services which can be virtual or in person.

It could mean anything, send a customer a few links to things they are looking for, or enter and review their entire closet or space, she said.

The limitations of COVID-19 have not affected Buckman, who has worked remotely for a year and has adapted to this type of work situation.

I feel very fortunate for that, she said. So, apart from some of the types of content that my team creates – and the fact that I can’t work at Starbucks when I’m sick of my house – little has changed.

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