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Will Meghan Markle be able to keep her wedding dress after the Megxit?


Prince Harry and Meghan, the days of the Duchess of Sussex as members of the royal family are about to be behind them and what awaits us in their future is uncertain. There are so many questions about what the couple’s reality will look like as they enter a new chapter in their lives and “work to become financially independent. ”

We know that the Sussexes will not have some of the privileges they enjoyed when they represented the crown as high ranking members of the most famous family in England. And because of this, there has been a lot of speculation as to whether Meghan will be able to keep what she has acquired as a royal senior. Read on to find out what will happen to her wedding dress and the rest of her royal wardrobe after the Megxit.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's royal wedding
Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Ben STANSALL – WPA Pool / Getty Images

Meghan’s Givenchy wedding dress

Royal fans remember exactly what Meghan’s dress looked like.

The Duchess of Sussex has donned a Givenchy Clare Waight Keller creation. A Kensington Palace statement At the time, Harry’s bride was a fan of “the timeless and elegant aesthetic, impeccable sewing and relaxed behavior of Waight Keller”.

The dress was in ivory silk and had an A silhouette with a slightly loose boat neckline and fitted three-quarter sleeves. It also included a train and was associated with a 16-foot silk tulle veil.

The shaken diamond headband was loaned by Queen Elizabeth II and is no longer in her possession. But what about her wedding dress, can the Duchess keep this in the future?

Meghan Markle's wedding to Prince Harry
Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry | DANNY LAWSON / AFP via Getty Images

Will she be able to keep the dress after resigning?

Before the royal wedding, it was reported that Meghan’s dress would be funded by the bride. The exact price of the Givenchy number has not been made public. however, experts have offered their opinion based on the cost based on another custom dress from the fashion house worn by Kim Kardashian when she married Kanye West in 2014. Kardashian’s dress was valued at over $ 500,000.

High fashion dresses like [Meghan’s] can cost up to $ 340,000, said fashion specialist Dawn Del Russofounder of Bella Dawn.

It is not known if Meghan ended up paying the bill for her own dress. If she did, it’s obviously hers, but if the royal family paid the cost, will it still be in the possession of the former actress?

“I don’t think her wedding dress belongs to her”, Emma Forbes, royal expert said to Page Six.

Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Andrew Matthews – WPA Pool / Getty Images

Whether or not the royalty paid the dress in full, it doesn’t seem likely that they would be asking Meghan to return the dress, especially not now, because a move like that wouldn’t be great on their side.

What will happen to the rest of the Duchess’ royal wardrobe?

As for the rest of Meghan’s wardrobe acquired after she became royal, several reports have said that Prince Charles would continue to recover the tab for the clothes of his son and daughter-in-law after the Megxit.

The deal will be revisited after a year, and Forbes said the Duchess will be able to keep the wardrobe funded by the monarchy she obtained as a royal executive.

Read more: Will Meghan Markle be banned from wearing Princess Dianas jewelry after she retires?

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