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Kenyans tickled by marathon runner Eliud Kipchoge


– World-renowned athlete featured in April issue of popular American publication GQ Magazine, which features very expensive fashion items

– Kipchoge wore clothes from designers like Fendi Men, Manolo Blahnik, Nike, Barton, Boateng, Issey Miyake Men, Rochas, Gucci and Ermenegildo Zegna

– Most Kenyans praised him for the feature but changed their tone when it came to his very expensive clothes

– While he looked dapper in some clothes, he also came out a bit ridiculous in others

Marathon runner Eliud Kipchoge and GQ Magazine recently collaborated with a number of world-renowned designers in a photo shoot on the theme of Africa in Kenya, the result of which left his compatriots divided.

The athlete was featured in the April issue of the popular American men’s publication GQ Magazine.

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Kipchoge has donned African-inspired outfits from designers such as Fendi Men, Manolo Blahnik, Nike, Barton, Boateng, Issey Miyake Men, Rochas, Gucci and Ermenegildo Zegna.

According to information viewed by on the GQ Magazine website, the marathon runner was styled by Mobolaji Olujimi Dawodu, who is a Nigerian-American fashion designer and director of fashion at GQStyle, and styled great celebrities like Brad Pitt.

Most Kenyans and even others from around the world were impressed with the Kipchoge feature and hit social media to greet the champion.

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Many congratulated him for representing Kenya and Africa as a whole and for bringing the highly regarded crew of GQ Magazine to the continent.

However, a representative sample of people was confused by the prices of the items that Kipchoge rocked during filming. understands that the marathon runner went out to dress in outfits whose prices varied from 60,000 KSh.

In one of the photos, the star was caught wearing a waistcoat, a shirt costing 63,000 KSh and pants valued at 68,000 KSh and 69,500 KSh Manolo Blahnik shoes which go for KSh 69, 500.

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In another, Kipchoge wore a tunic shirt by Ozwald Boateng whose price is 129,500 KSh.

He went so far as to wear a Ralph Lauren KSh 600,000 blazer.

The above prices are just a few for several items worn by Kipchoge.

For Kenyans, the price tags were very high and ridiculous.

Many have insisted that many items are so simple and not even impressive enough to control the prices they make.

Mixed reactions continued to come from different Kenyans and many swore they could never waste so much money on the clothes Kipchoge wore.

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