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Fashionable Famke Janssen in a brown leather coat and starry dress as she walks in NYC


Fashionable Famke Janssen in a brown leather coat and starry dress as she walks on New York’s fall day

It’s still Fashion Week for Famke Janssen.

The Dutch actress, 55, looked amazing on Tuesday as she went for a walk in New York City in a chic fall ensemble consisting of a brown leather coat with a white skirt with black star prints, a black buttoned top and purple ballet flats.

Janssen, who has portrayed several Jean Gray X-Men movies, kept his face covered in dark sunglasses and a gray camouflage print mask, and carried a white handbag with its dark locks parted and lowered when the exit.

Stylish: Famke Janssen, 55, looked amazing on Tuesday, she went for a walk in New York City in a chic fall ensemble consisting of a brown leather coat with a white skirt with black star prints, a black buttoned top and purple ballet flats

Stylish: Famke Janssen, 55, looked amazing on Tuesday, she went for a walk in New York City in a chic fall ensemble consisting of a brown leather coat with a white skirt with black star prints, a black buttoned top and purple ballet flats

Janssen, who was seen last fall in BBC crime drama The Capture, changed agencies from ICM Partners to APA last month, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The stunning brunette, who has been spotted in Nip / Tuck, GoldenEye and Hemlock Grove, attended a reunion of the stars of the 2000 X-Men franchise last summer in a fundraiser for Citizen of the world: unite for our future.

She was on a remote stream with Halle Berry (Storm), Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Patrick Stewart (Professor Charles Xavier) and Ian McKellen (Magneto).

The call also included a cameo from Ryan Reynolds – who was rocking the party, as he hadn’t appeared in the movie 20 years ago, but was in X-Men Origins: Wolverine in 2009.

She kept her face covered in dark sunglasses and a gray camouflage print mask, with her dark locks parted and lowered on the way out.

She kept her face covered in dark sunglasses and a gray camouflage print mask, with her dark locks parted and lowered on the way out.

Superb: Prior to her acting career, the statuesque Janssen was a runway model for Elite Model Management, marching for high profile names such as Giorgio Armani, Chanel, and Victoria's Secret.  She was pictured earlier this year in New York

Superb: Prior to her acting career, the statuesque Janssen was a runway model for Elite Model Management, marching for high profile names such as Giorgio Armani, Chanel, and Victoria’s Secret. She was pictured earlier this year in New York

Together Again: Janssen attended a 2000 X-Men franchise star reunion in June as part of a fundraiser for Global Citizen: Unite For Our Future

Together Again: Janssen attended a 2000 X-Men franchise star reunion in June as part of a fundraiser for Global Citizen: Unite For Our Future

When Janssen left the call, she joked that she had a James Bond reunion to attend, referring to her role as Xenia Onatopp in the 1995 film GoldenEye (with Pierce Brosnan playing Bond).

By the time the COVID-19 pandemic ended nearly all Hollywood productions in March, four films starring Janssen were in post-production.

They include the action thriller Way Down; a crime drama called The Postcard Killings, starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan; and the romantic films Endless and Redeeming Love.

Prior to her acting career, the statuesque Janssen was a runway model for Elite Model Management, marching for high profile names such as Giorgio Armani, Chanel and Victoria’s Secret.


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