Beijing Fashion Factory B Courtyard / Antistatic Architecture
Beijing Fashion Factory B Courtyard / Antistatic Architecture
+ 31
- Zoned:
12,000 m² -
- Photographs: Zhi xia
Text description provided by the architects. Inspired by the textiles and patterns of the fashion industry, the Beijing Fashion-Factory rejuvenates a former industrial site into a diverse collection of creative workspaces. The interwoven nature of the fabric is harnessed as a design driver defining the various interior and exterior spaces, their connectivity and separation. The design uses and borrows several techniques from the fashion designers’ palette, including draping, sewing, printing and weaving. Theoretically, these processes refer to the early conceptualization of architecture by the theorist Gottfried Semper, who traced the etymology of the word wall to its origins in textiles and fabric, where the divisions of spaces were not simply defined. by brick and stone, and contemporary with concrete. , glass and steel, but instead encompassed the draping of fabric as an enclosure and later the application of textiles and patterns in the form of tapestries, incorporating both thermal performance as well as aesthetic and ornamental features.
Taking advantage of the existing industrial infrastructure, many of the artifacts remaining on the site were used in the courtyard’s vast outdoor spaces, creating a collective coming together through recycling and reuse. In addition, interior renovations to existing buildings have taken into account the historical impact of pandemics like COVID, orienting the interior of each unit towards a private individual entrance space. With the spacious courtyards showcasing a shared collective gathering space in the age of social distancing, eliminating any indoor collective space reduces the potential spread of viral contagions between offices and studios. Special care has been taken to ensure that while small indoor groups can form in offices and studios, HVAC systems are exclusive to those spaces, thus avoiding cross-contamination between businesses.
The Fashion Factory B yard has the hottest time and design. This courtyard, in its given context already established and feeling like a distinct and unique environment from the vast entrance courtyard. Playing with the idea of the point at the macroscopic scale as an architectural language, the space is interconnected through a large-scale graphic of the microscopic point. The simple unfolding of the line and the arch creates a continuous linearity throughout the space, stitching together the facade of one building, across the plane of the courtyard into the facade of the other building. These simple, repetitive movements develop a strong rhythm and gesture towards space, allowing the eye to trace from the landscape to the facade and back, while taking advantage of a simple kit of parts to facilitate fabrication. and construction.
The use of the industrial expanded steel trellis lends a soft feel to the otherwise harsh geometries of classical architectural formations. Reading differently at night and day, the mesh reads as a solid, continuous shape during the day, creating regional definitions and subdivisions, while at night the backlit mesh shines as a continuous stitched line across the yard and up to the sky. This reinvention of space as a twisted linear stitch further enhances the space as an exhibition venue, especially the linear fashion show. The geometry arch and turn also refers to the mannequin’s turn at the end of the track, in this way the building becomes a defining and a reference to behaviors inside and out.
The interior spaces of the Beijing Fashion-Factory offer a variety of options for private workspaces as well as reprogrammable public facilities. The interior spaces have been realigned and transformed to orient their main entrances towards the central space outside the courtyard. Private office and studio space is adaptable to user groups of varying sizes and functions, with large spaces in height, areas can be divided into two or three floors, as well as maintaining dual zones. strong inspiring heights in one space. In addition, the units are granted unique and individual access, which not only allows the company logo and graphics to be presented on the respective facade, but also avoids the interior mix of visitors and users on the site. in response to recent COVID pandemics. This use of outdoor space as primary collective circulation creates a healthier and safer workspace. Each unit has its own HVAC system further isolating individuals in their indoor workspaces while connecting people through the generous and shared outdoor courtyard space.
The site’s public areas provide additional amenities for on-site users as well as third parties. Comprising of theater and projection spaces, an auditorium, fashion shows, art galleries and concert halls, the site is adaptable to large and small scale events. These programs occupy a wide range of spaces across the site. Beijing Fashion-Factory is fully capable of handling a wide range of public programs and events, this will serve not only to enhance the experience and profile of those who work at the site, but also bring outside parties into the space with the general public invited to attend. . In this way, the park functions as a point of attraction in the city, not just a destination for work, but rather a cultural destination expressing the immense creativity and production of the city.
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