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The most iconic fashion moments in history that you can watch on YouTube


Earlier this week, we were informed that the French fashion governing body, the Federation of Haute Couture and Fashion, had officially canceled the next weeks of men’s fashion and couture amid concerns about COVID -19. Although we have to wait longer than expected to return to the normality of fashion, this does not mean that we must deprive ourselves of savoring the grandeur of dress.

Fortunately, there is an equally rich treasure trove of fashion material available to us on YouTube and trust us when we say it is legendary. From Kate and Naomi strutting at the top of their 90s celebrity to some of Thierry Muglers’ most breathtaking fashion shows, we’ve gathered eight of the most iconic fashion moments you can relive from the comfort of your computer.

Naomi Campbell revisits her fall on the track

Finding designer Vivienne Westwood in 2019, Naomi Campbell discussed her fateful fall during the designers’ parade in fall 1993 in Paris. To be honest, if we were to wear these shoes, we would also have gone for a fall!

Thierry Muglers Spring 1997 Couture Show

We won’t bore you with our list of reasons to watch the 1997 Thierry Muglers fashion show. What we will say is that once you start watching, you will understand.

Chanels Love Letter To 90s Hip Hop

Always to push the limits, Karl Lagerfelds, fall 1991, the homage to hip-hop was far from being the only controversy of the designers of Chanel. Lagerfeld experimented with transparent skirts, elements of sportswear and snapback hats.

Versace Supermodels Lip Sync Freedom by George Michael on the runway

A major turning point in fashion, Gianni Versace chose models Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford to descend the runway by synchronizing George Michaels Freedom. Iconic crew, iconic song, iconic moment.

Kate Moss eats ice cream on the runway

Designer Vivienne Westwood has always been known to transform catwalks into incredible fashion eyewear. Her spring-summer 1995 collection was no exception and saw Kate Moss, alongside other models, eat ice cream on the runway and share it with frontline guests.

Gigi and Bella Hadid before being famous

Although we now know Gigi and Bella Hadid as two of the world’s greatest models, there is nothing more comforting than remembering their teenage years fully aired on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

John Gallianos Extravagant 1998 Christian Dior Couture Show

For a camp lesson, look no further than the artwork as John Gallianos 1998 Christian Dior fall fashion show. We cannot decide what we like most. Is it all? Curly hair and elaborate accessories? Well, let yourself decide.

Donatella Versaces Ice Bucket Challenge

Of all the celebrity ice bucket challenges we saw in 2014, the rendering of Donatella Versaces was without a doubt the most memorable. What woman.

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