Why Japan has always been one step ahead in the men’s fashion game

Stereotypes are rude but often true.
Just as ‘Australian fashion’ was once considered an oxymoron or punchline for most of the 20th century, some countries are world famous for their sartorial expertise. Only the words Milan or Paris immediately evoke fashion week, luxury brands; elegantly dressed men and women.
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Yet those in the know will tell you that the real fashion capital of the world is not in Europe, but in Asia: the Japanese have long been considered the most fashionable nation in the world.
Not only are the Japanese in general particularly avant-garde, but the Land of the Rising Sun is also home to brands like Like boys, fragment design, DISTRICT and Uniqlo; world famous stores like Beams, atmos and Dover Street Market; more renowned designers like Yohji Yamamoto, Jun Takahashi, Issey Miyake, Nigo and the party recently Kenzo Takada.
Japanese men in particular are renowned for their impeccable fashion sense, and the way they dress has had a huge impact on modern style. The streetwear, workwear, and retro emphasis that defines much of modern menswear in 2020 comes straight from the streets of Tokyo in the ’90s. Even modern sneaker culture – which revolves around limited releases and hype – must much to the fastidious shoe collectors of Japan, which has long been the world’s # 1 destination for rare kicks.
The real question is, what do Japanese men do differently from men in other parts of the world?
It’s a simple answer, but it’s because the Japanese care more about fashion than other cultures.
First, they are master conservatives. Japan not only has a rich fashion culture of its own – think kimono, tabi, noragi or hachimaki – but the Japanese have always been masters of taking the best looks from abroad and applying a distinctly Japanese touch.
Case in point: Japanese denim is well known and regarded for its quality and timeless fashion appeal, with celebrities like John Mayer, Kid Cudi, and Benedict Cumberbatch just prominent followers. Denim is a great case study where the Japanese took an element from another culture – in this case American fashion – and elevated it beyond its origins. The same could be said of Japanese whiskey, watches or cars.
While there is definitely a consumerist, throwaway culture in mainstream Japanese society (there is a cultural obsession with ‘the new’), that doesn’t extend into fashion. Indeed, the Japanese have been way ahead of the curve when it comes to investing in quality commodities and timeless products. Some brands that emphasize this old-fashioned approach to men’s clothing include Hender diagram, Visvim, Wacko maria and WTAPS.
This is also the reason why sneaker culture and streetwear have their genesis in Japan: while Australians are obsessed with the real estate market and Spaniards are obsessed with food, the Japanese are obsessed with fashion. Perfecting a ‘fit’ and standing out from the crowd is how Japanese men express their individuality.
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Perhaps the most striking thing about Japanese men’s fashion is that unlike Australians for example, they’re not afraid to take risks, experiment, and wear whatever they want. Too much modern menswear is “ ironic ” – like wearing chunky daddy’s sneakers, aviator eyeglasses, or growing a “ skullet. ”
The Japanese, however, do not subscribe to this kind of thinking. They wear what they like because they like it, not because they think someone is going to recognize the brand or let them attend a party. It’s about building community instead of riding a wave.
This is perhaps the biggest advantage of Japanese masculine style – do your research, think about your choices, and wear your clothes with confidence. This is another thing to keep in mind: Confidence also makes you more attractive …
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