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E-commerce could save Fashion Week events in 2020


Fashion shows are struggling this week, but fashion retail isn't. E-commerce has already thought of playing a major role in the various fashion weeks around the world this week and the next due to new technologies and the designers' desire to make their clothes more accessible. But now, e-commerce will get a star rating rather than a supporting role. This could turn out to be the saving grace of many events as the COVID-19 virus disperses plans and people.

Tokyos Rakuten Fashion Week is the latest victim of the coronavirus, which has spread to Japan. He joins other events forced to postpone or cancel, including fashion weeks in Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Bologna and Geneva.Milan Fashion Week was interrupted when most of the Parisian fashion shows went as planned. Most of the Parisian programs were broadcast online, including Chanel, which fitted the models with velvet surgical masks with logo.

I am sorry for the creators (who) impatiently awaited their fashion shows, director of the Japan Fashion Week Organization (JFWO)Kaoru Imajotold Fashion business(BOF). JFWO is working to put the collections online and will essentially organize a new online event with the cooperation of various media. As Rakuten Fashion Week is largely a B2B event, local designers will bear the brunt of the cancellation. However, Imajo said the effect will be lessened by online exposure.

This is a good opportunity to consider new ways to do shows or showrooms digitally … so that (brands) can reach more audiences around the world, wrote Maiko Shibata, creative director and buyer of the Tokyo-based Restir multi-brand boutique in an email. The current atmosphere in Japan is not at all suitable (for spending) fashionable money. We need to think of ways to make people feel good about buying or talking about fashion again.

This season, Shibata will place orders for Japanese brands online. She also said that online showrooms will help collections reach buyers and possibly consumers.

The coronavirus strikes at a time when many in the fashion industry doubted the need for exclusive events on fashion shows. Says the Business of Fashion, times are changing. Overall, designers are no longer looking to plan and execute an intimidating presentation. And it seems that consumers are not looking for them either, they want to participate. The innovation now looks like pop-up shops and events to see and buy.

For example, designer Phillip Lim chose not to participate in a fashion show and organized a ready-to-wear event in the loft of his brands, open to the public and with items for sale. Minju Kim (2014 H&M Design Award winner) recently won the highest award in the Netflix Next In Fashion series. Her collection for New York Fashion Week was published in collaboration with Net-a-Porter. It has 12 articles ofMINJUKIM on its website.

It will be interesting to see if the fashion show as a concept is changed by this year's disruptions. It must be edited and designed to fit well on a screen that fits in the palm of your hand and to adapt to the technology available to the public: iPhone and Instagram video, Alexander of Betaksaid Bureau Betak founder and longtime producer in a Vogue report. The purpose of fashion shows, for me, is to help luxury brands communicate and keep their audiences dreaming. What this means (for the future) is that we need to keep making people dream more efficiently, shorter and in such a way that the public's VDP is more important than that of traditional media.


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