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Pre-conference: ‘Yindies’ Revives the’ 80s Look on Wall Street for Gen Z | Fashion


IAt the ultimate moment of the fashion revival, the yuppie look of the 80s is back but with a difference. The yindies (ironic nostalgic young dresser), brings back the matching Wall Street look, but with a touch of self-reference knowledge and preppy style elements too.

The first photograph of Gossip Girl’s new reboot, the current season of The Crown, which features Diana Spencers’ chic 1980s Sloane Ranger and Donald Trump impersonator Sarah Cooper’s navy suit jacket all have a effect on the classic silhouette of the PowerSuit.

It’s an ironic take on what some might consider a suit for corporate life, said Misty White Sidell, reporter for Womens Wear Daily.

Irony is a big part of the way people dress now, added Jack Carlson, founder of Rowing Blazers designers. By incorporating irony into the way you dress, you show your knowledge. There’s empowerment in owning the yuppie look: it’s almost a positive twist.

The Carlsons label recently recreated Diana, the Princess of Waless shearling sweater, a yuppie classic in collaboration with original designers Warm and wonderful. The ’80s are back in style, he says. For the past 10 years people have been talking about the 90s with heritage brands, but now you are seeing a shift to the 80s.

For designer Carly Mark, co-founder of Puppets and Puppets, the suit provided a creative cornerstone when the fashion brands ‘Spring / Summer 2020 collection was inspired by Brett Easton Elliss’ ultimate 80s yuppie Patrick Bateman. American Psycho.

The costume is a strong and eloquent archetype. [Theres] so much information about power, money and masculinity in one single design. He has the capacity to change a body, to give it power.

But for young people themselves, their experience of working in companies is not a question of power. Gen Z consumers need to find their way into the corporate world through internships, says Sidell. The dilemma they face is ideological. They navigate corporate and capitalist structures despite the feelings of our pro-worker, anti-capitalist and anti-big business generations.

This story is voiced in the BBC Industry series, whose costumes have an 80s influence. The yuppies of the 80s cast a long shadow on the looks I designed, says costume designer Claire Finlay-Thompson, influenced by American Psycho and The Bonfire of the Vanities.

You can see it in the fabric of the suit, the suspenders and the wide variety of shirt collars. There is an amazing range.

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