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Oh Honey, No a Buckys Q5 Fashion Blog: University of Minnesota Golden Gophers

Oh Honey, No a Buckys Q5 Fashion Blog: University of Minnesota Golden Gophers
Oh Honey, No a Buckys Q5 Fashion Blog: University of Minnesota Golden Gophers


Ending the dreaded 2020 year, Wisconsin welcomes the Minnesota Golden Gophers to the hardwood. In the game, see well dressed Wisconsin badgers, hopefully in their new uniforms, and poorly dressed ground squirrels.

Now let’s take a look at the ground squirrels wardrobe, to see what they could wear on New Years Eve.

As a reminder, we will evaluate the opposite threads on a scale of oh honey, no, at YAASS QUEEN.

Oh honey, no: Obviously, this is the worst rating. If I have to explain this to you, you’re probably wearing socks with sandals right now, or a brown belt with black pants, anyway, oh honey, no.

Ewww: Nice try, but no.

Werk it: You brought it.

QUEEN OF YAASS: Best of the best. Your proverbial milkshake brings all the proverbial boys into the yard.

School: University of Minnesota

Mascot: Golden gophers

Color scheme: Brown and gold

Official brand sponsor: Nike

Home uniform:

NCAA Basketball: Boston College in Minnesota

Harrison Barden-USA TODAY Sports

The Minnesotas home uniforms are white, with a brown collar, and the Minnesota chest in brown, edged in gold. The numbers are also brown with a gold outline. The letters and numbers on the jersey are en bloc … roll my eyes.

The jersey also has a brown stripe on the sides, highlighted in gold. The band continues on the shorts. The stripe on the shorts is facing forward, with the Minnesota M logo behind the stripes.

Besides the color scheme, which I am not a fan of, the uniform is pretty basic and the capital letters and numbers are so tired and overused … use a different font. The outline of the band on the side of the uniforms could be a bit more subdued. They would be much better suited to have narrow stripes.

Uniform home score:


Outdoor uniform:

NCAA Basketball: Minnesota to Illinois

Patrick Gorski-USA TODAY Sports

On the road, the Golden Gophers wear essentially the same uniform as their original sons, but in brown, with a gold collar. The Minnesota on the chest is gold, as are the numbers. The same brown stripe, highlighted in gold, resides on the sides of the uniform and cascades down to the shorts, with the M logo in gold.

Although the numbers and letters on the uniform have no white outlines (which I think it should), I think the brown uniform is the prettiest of the bunch and goes best with the accessories that gamers are more likely to wear these days.

Uniform exterior score:

Werk it

Other uniform:

NCAA basketball: Minnesota at Indiana

Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports

Their alternate uniform completes the trio of using the same design for all of their uniforms. Their alternate threads are gold, with a brown collar and brown numbers and letters edged in white.

I think the white outline is a nice touch. Something that I think was missing from the brown uniforms. The white outline provides a bit more contrast to the look and is much better than if the numbers were just brown.

The stripe on the side of the uniform is brown, surrounded by white. While this matches the numbers and letters, I think the best option would have been for the stripes to be white, framed in brown. I think the white outlines are a bit too accentuated. Having the outlines in brown would make the stripes more sober.

Alternative uniform score:


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