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Jennifer Lopez impresses in bandage dress for ‘In the Morning’ music video – Footwear News


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Jennifer Lopez released her new music video for “In the Morning” and it came filled with remarkable designer pieces.

The musician exclusively ditched the project on Triller in addition to creating a lifestyle channel for the platform, but teased the looks of the video on her Instagram as well as her stylist Rob Zangardi’s page. In one scene, Lopez models a white off-the-shoulder bandage dress from Netflix’s “Next in Fashion” star Marco Marco.

Another look placed the “Hustlers” star atop a layered and layered catwalk of tulle, ostrich feathers and organdy courtesy of Valentino. The piece, from the brand’s Fall 20 Haute Couture collection, was modeled on the brand’s nude jersey and silver sequin hooded bodysuit for a gravity-defying moment during the video.

“It’s full of symbolism about a dark one-sided relationship and the realization that you can’t change anyone else … you can only change yourself !!!” Lopez explained in his caption about the new one. clip. “Develop your own wings and stay away from anyone or anything that doesn’t really value all you have to offer.”

Last year, the “Let’s Get Loud” singer entered the shoe industry herself. Although she has worked with a mix of brands on collaborations and campaigns before, the JLo Jennifer Lopez collection at DSW is the musician’s first solo line; the label includes a variety of stylish shoes ranging from super high platforms and glittery pumps to strappy sandals, all priced between $ 59 and $ 189.

As if all of her titles weren’t enough, in recent seasons alone, the “Maid in Manhattan” actress has also been featured in three big spring 2020 campaigns as well as a few big names for fall 2020. She has modeled for Versace, stars in commercials for Guess and Coach in addition to being a judge and executive producer for “World of Dance”. She also teased a new J-Lo Beauty line earlier this season.

While Jennifer Lopez’s wrap dress is a custom couture design, you can achieve her chic style in these looks inspired by her music video.

white dress, bandage, off the shoulders, norma kamali

CREDIT: Courtesy of Revolve

Buy: Kamali Tara regular dress, $ 175.

white dress, bandage, off the shoulder, baby

CREDIT: Courtesy of Bebe

Buy: Baby Bandage Dress, $ 139.

white dress, bandage, off the shoulders, lulus

CREDIT: Courtesy of Lulus

Buy: Lulus Aveline long dress, $ 98.

Click through the gallery to check out more of Jennifer Lopez’s most daring style moments over the years.

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