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Covalent’s carbon capture technology aims to reduce fashion’s environmental impact


Covalent, a new fashion brand aimed directly at the consumer offers a palliative response to the silent but considerable impact of fashion on the environment each year with a collection of thirty-five pieces. After a decade of research, the company announced the use of a proprietary technology called AirCarbon a biotechnology process created as the “world’s first regenerative and negative manufacturing system” applied to the company’s entire line of modern luxury accessories.

As the name suggests, AirCarbon Leather has been developed to provide a similar grain and a smooth, matte tactile feel of genuine leather, but with reduced environmental impact, perfectly suited for tech accessories such as laptop cases and telephone.

AirCarbon has been covalently modeled after the natural energy process found in the ocean where marine microorganisms use the air and carbon extracted from greenhouse gases. Covalent uses biomimetic technology to produce regenerative carbon negative materials with the appearance of leather and acetate, materials that can be fused into fibers, shapes and sheet products to create eyewear and fashion accessories where the leather is traditionally used.

AirCarbon is used by Covalent to make laptop sleeves, wallets, sunglasses, tote bags and handbags that offer similar texture and durability to its counterparts, with a clean minimalist aesthetic that goes well with laptops and mobile devices or alone wallets or handbags.

While greenwashing coupled with vague proclamations of environmentally friendly intent is normal, Covalent has made efforts to make their carbon impact as transparent and traceable as possible, by disclosing the exact carbon footprint of each of its products, as verified by life cycle assessments created by third party accounting firms available for review. Most consumers are unlikely to follow the sourcing trail to that extent, but Covalent’s efforts are a laudable example of disclosure.

We believe that to drive change in the fashion industry, consumers should have actionable information about the carbon impact of the products they use.

-Newlight CEO Mark Herrema

The replacement for AirCarbon Covalent Acetate (AirCarbon Resin) is lightweight and has a naturally matte texture ideal for eyeglasses.

Covalent AirCarbon leather goods are produced locally in Southern California, while Covalent eyewear is made in Italy, both using the same meticulous attention to detail as traditional luxury fashion houses. The first collection of Covalents includes thirty-five essential elements and is available at

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