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MyWardrobe HQ Launches Luxury Menswear Rental with Belstaff


MyWardrobe HQ, the fashion and luxury rental and resale platform, is entering menswear after announcing a collaboration with Belstaff to present the market’s first luxury rental offering for men.

This rental collaboration is not about tuxedos and formal wear, MyWardrobe HQ x Belstaff will offer everyday wear and outerwear for men, through Belstaff’s Icons range of waxed cotton and leather jackets. best-selling models, including the Trialmaster, Racemaster and Gangster.

The partnership is “symbolic of how fashion is changing,” the two brands added, and will both appeal to a millennial customer with a “non-owner” mindset, buying and sharing clothes. in an exploration of greener fashion and shopping, as well as those who wish to invest in key items in your wardrobe that will last forever.

Fran Millar, Managing Director of Belstaff, said in a statement: “Belstaff has been producing clothing for almost a century and we are happy to offer a new customer the opportunity to rent before they buy. While our Icons line is steeped in history, the fits have been modernized to provide a contemporary addition to any wardrobe.

“MyWardrobe HQ offers a unique service with sustainable fashion at its core, which works with our design philosophy built for life. We look forward to our continued partnership with My Wardrobe HQ, to promote a circular fashion economy. “

MyWardrobe HQ to launch menswear rental with Belstaff and host panel discussion during London Fashion Week

Currently, there are no rental offers for men’s clothing in the UK other than event clothing, MyWardrobe HQ explains. However, he adds that there is demand, with Jane Shepherdson, president of MyWardrobe HQ, stating that 30% of its existing database is currently male.

MyWardrobe HQ also noted that the UK menswear market was worth £ 15.4 billion in 2019, according to Mintel’s UK Market Report, and that 25% of the total UK rental market value of men’s clothing was worth 3.85 billion pounds.

Shepherdson added: “Rental is getting better and better in the womenswear market, and menswear is an obvious next step – in fact, 30% of our existing database is male, so we know the demand exists.

“Belstaff was our first choice as a launch partner because we wanted to offer something very different from the traditional ‘event’ dress that the men’s rental market is known for. We could not be more proud of this partnership with Belstaff, a brand synonymous with sustainable quality and craftsmanship.

MyWardrobe HQ Launches Luxury Menswear Rental with Belstaff

Belstaff’s menswear offering will launch with a selection of what she calls her “standout pieces,” including the iconic Waxed Cotton Trialmaster, a four-pocket campaign jacket that was quickly adopted by the community. bikers when it was launched in 1948, and additional waxed cotton. styles like the shorter Racemaster and the stylish Kelland Cafe Racer.

Belstaff’s 6oz waxed cotton is both wind and water resistant, sustainably produced by Britain’s Millerain, a factory operating in the north of England since the late 19th century.

Leather styles will also be available, including the Trialmaster Panther, a hand-waxed, water-resistant leather variant of the iconic field jacket, the V Racer, a minimalist 1960s café racer style and the Gangster, a shorter field jacket style with an adjustable fit, originally introduced in 1969.

A selection of women’s clothing will also be available, including the Trialmaster in waxed cotton, the Marianne, a classic biker-style leather, and the Mollison, a cafe racer style with clean lines and motorcycle-inspired quilting on the shoulders.

MyWardrobe HQ Launches Luxury Menswear Rental with BelstaffTo mark the launch, MyWardrobe HQ is hosting a panel event today, February 19, as part of London Fashion Week. The panel will see Shepherdson speaking to Dylan Jones, editor of British GQ, actor brand ambassador Belstaff James Norton, Wilson Oryema, artist, writer and model, and Misan Harriman, British photographer of Nigerian descent, who recently took the portrait of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announcing their pregnancy news.

MyWardrobe HQ was launched in 2019 with the aim of encouraging customers to support the fashion industry by researching new ways to shop, championing conscious consumption through rental. Its first offering was contemporary and luxury fashion for women, and in September 2020, the platform added its very first children’s clothing offering. The company believes that fashion rental is the solution to consuming fashion in a sustainable way.

Images: courtesy of Belstaff

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