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Designer Rebecca Minkoff on OnlyFans Account Launch for Fashion Week and Beyond on Cheddar


Brands are constantly striving to stay ahead of trends on social media, which can mean re-evaluating the very platforms they use. For some, that means figuring out how to authentically produce TikToks and Instagram Reels. For fashion designer Rebecca Minkoff, that means carrying her brand to OnlyFans.

The site allows users, or “fans”, to pay brands, celebrities and ordinary people for exclusive content. At the start of the pandemic in March and April 2020, the platform saw a 75% monthly increase in new user and creator registrations. The site quickly became known for its explicit content and the democratization of sex work. It now has 100 million active users and over a million creators. According to OnlyFans, the site gains up to 500,000 new users per day. Beyonc even rapped on the site in her verse for Megan Thee Stallion’s remix of “Savage,” singing “Hips tik tok when I’m dancing / On this demon moment, she could start an OnlyFans.

Minkoff said it was the high level of exposure that first drew her to the platform. “When you see people like Cardi B or Michael B. Jordan moving to a new platform, I say okay, let’s try this.” The designer said she sees it as a new avenue to meaningfully connect with her “purest and most dedicated fans.”

There is concern about people’s willingness to visit the site, given the content for which it is known. Minkoff told Cheddar that she spoke directly with the CEO of OnlyFans and was assured that if her fans didn’t want to see the more explicit content on the platform, they wouldn’t. “There’s no algorithm that’s going to push you to content that you don’t intend to see,” Minkoff said. “You have to search for the creator you want.”

Minkoff believes that the real value of the platform’s future will lie with creators like her, as well as celebrities and other brands. The designer and businesswoman has a long history of supporting and empowering other founders. In addition to behind the scenes of his design process, his OnlyFans account will eventually feature one-on-one mentoring sessions and video series.

“People can pay as little as $ 3 or $ 5 for an hour of mentoring with me,” Minkoff told Cheddar. “Which is really invaluable when you are just starting out and need some guidance.”

The seasoned designer initially launched the platform to showcase her New York Fashion Week show last week. The brand was able to accommodate an audience in person, which required immense coordination and planning. Minkoff says the models and staff were tested before the show, and everyone had to fill out a lot of paperwork in advance. Guests were seated six feet apart and were required to wear masks at all times. The show featured a botanical garden nestled in a New York City greenhouse offering “the freshest air New Yorkers haven’t smelled in months.”

Minkoff said the impact of an in-person show was overwhelming. “There was a feeling of joy to see living plants, to see the community, to see friends, and people were like, ‘Thank you for doing this. Thank you for showing that we can and can go back to work and we don’t need to have the constant fear and panic. There is a way to do everything we do, to be caring and careful, while creating joy. “

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