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Spring / Summer 2021 Fashion Trends By BARBARA BARTON SLOANE


Styles for happy days here again!

Barbara Barton Sloane, is a highly respected publicist, editor-in-chief The Bronxville Tribune, Greenburgh Tribune, Mount Vernon Tribune, Ossining Tribune, Westchester Tribune, Yonkers Tribune and Yorktown Tribune, as far as travel, fashion and cuisine are concerned.

PELHAM, NY April 3, 2021 Certainly, thanks to the ongoing pandemic, it is a season like no other. And while this has been a quiet year for the fashion world, it’s never too early to recharge for summer, from sunglasses and swimwear to clogs, long skirts and surprisingly comfy bags. . It will be an interesting season as we enter a brave new world that hopefully looks a bit like our old world and is ideally filled with pool parties and alfresco dining.

If there was one fashion lesson learned during the lockdown, it’s that personal style doesn’t go away in tough times. And if fashion lovers all over the world stay at home, they always dress up and celebrate the joys of dress. For some, the designers we love have pleaded for trying something lively and fresh it means Nicolas Ghesquierespacious cargo pants Louis Vuitton or Miuccia Pradas micro mini skirts Miu Miu. As for the biggest spring / summer 2021 trends? The new home work routine has certainly had an effect on what the designers have turned out to be. Let’s take a look.

Anthony Vaccarello showed a stellar Saint Laurent (right) collection with a new sleek silhouette. Its surprisingly soft and hard rounded edges. There is a general air of relaxation, even playfulness. The designer tells us, with everything going on in the world, I wanted something softer, warmer. Something we all want now. And soft, relaxing, playful, her toasted dress was all that and more.

Lazaro Hernandez placeholder image and Jack McColloughechoes feelings very similar to Proezna Schouler (left). We wanted something that felt effortless and warm; we wanted to get rid of the sharp edges. You need to feel good. For us, this is what fashion should be the most successful. It should make life easier and feel good, the boys tell us. Eternal quality, something that lasts. Hernandez and McCollough pull off with their adorable black tunic worn over a flowy orange and black chiffon skirt scribbled on white guaranteed to feel very, very good!

There was something in that strange time that was going on, and the idea that there is something so much bigger than all of us that controls everything, Erdem Moralioglu (right) explained, drawing a parallel between past and present crises. A standout piece was the designers on the floor, a romantic tea dress, pink flowers adorning a dreamy white skirt. There was a sense of resourcefulness in Erdem that exemplified the idea of ​​beauty in a time of uncertainty.

Pamela Roland (left)is a remarkably consistent designer: you’re always going to find a lot of megawatt dresses. This season there were more cocktail numbers, but even these still had their signature sparkle. And the glitter it was with Rolands flirty, glam fuchsia sketchy cocktail indeed!

Reflecting in real life the ambitious image that his brand promotes so strongly, Ralph Laurens (to the right) is the story of the American dream. A tale of ambition and self-invention, its hero has often been compared to F. Scott Fitzgeralds Jay Gatsby.

Uncomplicated, even understated, this winning look: flared-bottom polka-dot pants topped with an immaculate white shirt – a classic of a true classicist. Laurens designs are more instantly and automatically recognizable than those of almost every other designer working today: bespoke, dashing, tweed-to-lame looks that remind us of English aristocrats or the blue bloods of New England on the weekend in the country.

Jonny Johansson of Acne Studios spent confinement in Stockholm and it filled him with a sense of spiritual rebirth. It feels like a transition to something more positive. I am very optimistic about what is happening, he tells us. His clothes literally reflected that. Everywhere you looked there was a shiny, metallic or iridescent texture. Johanssons’ sense of spiritual rebirth was on display in a bright, cheerful orange dress accompanied by a Big Bag in the same color. Happier, less stressful moments, here we are!


Barbara Barton Sloane, is a highly respected publicist, editor-in-chief Bronxville Tribune, Greenburgh Tribune, Mount Vernon Tribune, Ossining Tribune, Westchester Tribune, Yonkers Tribune, Yorktown Tribune, when it comes to travel, fashion and cuisine.

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