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List of fashion brands offering online home delivery services – Lifestyle


A number of fashion and lifestyle brands have adjusted their operations to cater for their customers with large-scale social restrictions in cities across the country.

Here is a list of brands that offer home delivery services:


The lifestyle company PT Mitra Adiperkasa (PT MAP) offers a Fashion From Home program, which allows customers to shop without any physical interaction.

Customers will be connected to their staff via WhatsApp and their desired items will be delivered to their doors. Discounts of up to 50% are also available.

PT MAP holds licenses for many international brands in Indonesia, including Calvin Klein Jeans, Marks & Spencer, Zara, Mango, Stradivarius and Lacoste. The full list of brands and their contacts is available on their online catalog.

Kate Spade New York

For those who want a little original touch of Kate Spade New York, their home delivery service is available.

Customers can shop online and they will be guided by a muse (Kate Spade New York’s shopping advisor) via +6281293035070 (WhatsApp) or by email at [email protected]. Customers will then receive further product information. Gifts will be offered to those who purchase more than 5 million rupees. Cash back and free delivery service are available throughout Indonesia.

Kate Spade New York also offers a wide range of bags as the highlight of her spring 2020 collection. With City Safari as the theme, the collection’s color palette ranges from olive green to lemon sorbet, to white, black and brown.

The collection includes handbags, jewelry, ready-to-wear, sleepwear and shoes. You can consult the catalog here.


Although the Longchamp store in Plaza Indonesia, in central Jakarta, is temporarily closed, the brand still serves its customers via WhatsApp via +6287877273125. We can see his latest collection here.


Luxury brand Bvlgari announced via Instagram from Plaza Senayan that it is providing a home delivery service. Customers can contact their customer advisor at +6285772995411 (WhatsApp).


The French jewelry and watchmaking brand Cartier offers a home shopping program through its Plaza Indonesia branch. Customers can contact the brand advisor at +6281398981845 (WhatsApp) from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Sunday.

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Sneakerheads and streetwear enthusiasts can now buy their favorite items on Atmos online, with the Japanese retailer now providing delivery services. Visit Atmos’ website or contact their staff via WhatsApp at +6282223338909 to place your order. Same day delivery to areas of Jakarta is available.


The American outdoor clothing brand Timberland offers its customers online. Discover the brand’s latest collection by following their Instagram or contact their WhatsApp number for help at +6282135136432, +6282135353230 or +6287786693520 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Discounts of up to 40% are offered.

The north face

Those who wish to purchase sports and outdoor clothing from The North Face can visit Instagram to discover his latest collection. Contact the staff for more information via the WhatsApp numbers +6289621181228, +6281298611412 or +6285921534115 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Discounts of up to 40% are available as part of Ramadan.

Ginger biscuits

The new Gingersnaps children’s clothing collection can be seen on the brand Instagram and customers will be directed to the brand’s electronic catalog. Discounts of up to 20%, free delivery service and a 30-day item exchange policy are available. Contact +6281281899288 for more information. (wir / wng)

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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