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Houston fashion designers leave their mark on the fashion industry



Houston is home to some of the most talented fashion designers who make their mark in the industry with their creative and unique creations.

The sought-after designers are rising in the ranks and making Houston a fashion hub where only places like New York, Milan or Paris held this title.

In recent years, we have seen not only an increase in several H-Town designers, but new boutiques are popping up with their personal labels sold not only in Texas, but making their way onto the fashion tracks of international fashion capitals .

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In 2010, Houston Fashion Week® debuted as the first of its kind in Space City, highlighting emerging talents from the fashion world. Since then, the event has grown in capacity to include not only local designers from H-Town, but also fashion designers of national and international renown, as well as the unveiling of their impressive collections.

Take Chloe Dao who discovered her inner fashionista at the age of 10. You may know her thanks to her victory in Project Runway Season 2 which propelled her to fame from a "local immigrant designer to an international superstar living her American dream". as shared on its website. Her boutique in town offers several of her own signature creations created to flatter any body type with their elegant, modern and chic styles to complement any wardrobe.

Cesar Galindo is a Houston native designer with more than 30 years in the fashion industry. Galindo grew up in the East End of Houston and, even at a young age, demonstrated the tremendous talent that we have seen today in red carpet looks. Her collections have adorned New York Fashion Week fashion shows for many years now. The New York-based designer has created creations for artists such as Madonna, Gwen Stefani, Mariah Carey and, most recently, the director of design for the contemporary line for women by Kimora Lee Simmon.

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How about avant-garde fashion designer Enid Almanza, the Mexican-born fashion designer who brings his visions to life by exploring different art forms through his collections with hints of romanticism to Gothic that create stories and illustrated scenarios throughout his photo shoots.

Fashion designer Theresa Pham's struggle with infertility inspired her to create a unique mother-daughter collection – TP MiniMe (Theresa Pham Designs). Style and quality designed to look like unique creations for you.

Then there is the ecological collection Luisa Nadarajah who shares on her website that she knew from an early age that she was in this world to make it beautiful and extraordinary.

Our slideshow highlights a collection of veterans and emerging designers setting fire to the Houston fashion scene with their distinctive and individual styles that set them apart.

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