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After Winning Centennial Title, NCAA Tournament Is Johns Hopkins' Next Men's Basketball Tournament


Johns Hopkins' men's basketball team, which dramatically won the Centennial Conference tournament on February 29, lost to Penn State Harrisburg in the NCAA Division III tournament at 19 h. March 6.

Penn State Harrisburg is 20-7 overall and finished 14-2 at the North Eastern Athletic Conference. If the Blue Jays progress, they will face the winner of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Mass.) And Yeshiva (New York) on March 7.

Hopkins will host the regional four-team. No fan will be admitted to the Goldfarb Gymnasium from March 6 to 7 due to concerns about the coronavirus.

The Blue Jays finished 24-3 overall and 16-2 at the Centennial Conference, part of a winning tradition quickly established under third-year head coach Josh Loeffler. Hopkins finished 24-5 and won the conference tournament in Loeffler's first season and was 18-9 last year.

As Loeffler entered his third season at the helm, did he think his team was capable of what it had accomplished this year?

"I didn't know. I'm not going to lie. I knew we had good players and I knew we had good talents, but we graduated four seniors who played a lot," said Loeffler on Glenn Clark Radio March 4. "We only have one senior who is currently on our rotation. It is a starter in the center. I just didn't know. We are very young. We play a senior, two juniors, and the rest of our team is made up of sophomores and freshmen. I felt we had talent and I loved our guys a lot. "

Guards Michael Gardner (33.2 minutes, 14.6 points per game), Joey Fitzpatrick (24.2 minutes, 5.4 rebounds), Noah Ralby (22.3 minutes, 4.4 points) and l & # 39; striker Daniel Vila (21.5 minutes, 7.9 points) all graduated after last season. Their starts left a lot of minutes to replace, and Loeffler found the right mix to do just that this year.

Four players – junior guards Conner Delaney and Joey Kern, senior center Harry O’Neill and second-year forward Tom Quarry – started the Blue Jays' 27 games. The quartet is led by Delaney, Centennial Conference Player of the Year. The playmaker averages 17.8 points (on 48.4 percent shooting), 4.9 assists and 3.8 rebounds per game.

Delaney made the winning streak against the then unbeaten Swarthmore in the Championship Game of the Centennial Conference tournament.

"A long time ago one of my mentors, a coach, said to me, 'If you don't have a point guard, you don't have a lot. I think that's pretty true in this sport. Conner is the best point guard you'll find, said Loeffler. "He's a great leader, and it's always really good when a kid who wins the player of the year saves the most hours at the gym and puts in all the time." He ticks all the boxes. He is a fantastic player. He is a fantastic person. I have said it many times: we are very lucky to have it and I am very lucky to coach it. "

The conference championship marked the third time Hopkins has played Swarthmore this year. Special concern before the championship game: Swarthmore had 83 points and hit the free throw line 35 times in the February game, which the Blue Jays should clean up if they had a chance to beat the top country – Ranked team.

Hopkins not only played better defensively in the championship game, but the Blue Jays were also better prepared for the atmosphere in which they were heading against Swarthmore after February's loss to the Goldfarb Gymnasium.

"The reality of this (February loss) is that it was the first time for many of our guys to play in such an electric atmosphere at home against such a good team," said Loeffler. “We always have crowds at home, but you add rivalry. You add to the ranking. You add in the hype. You add all this stuff. You have 19 year old guys who have never really played that role. "

Now Penn State Harrisburg is the only opponent in the spirit of Loeffler. Loeffler referred to Jim Valvano, who coached Hopkins in 1969-70, when describing his state of mind before the tournament.

"Surviving and progressing is all you try to do," said Loeffler.

Update: Penn State Harrisburg beat Johns Hopkins, 104-96, in double overtime on March 6 to end the Blue Jays season.

To learn more about Loeffler, listen to the full interview here:

Photo credit: Courtesy of Johns Hopkins Athletics

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