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Yakima style: men's clothing for spring – the opposite of boredom | Community


We have done a lot of stories about the feminine style but what about men? We apologize if you feel left out and we will try to catch up with you right now.

Here's what's hot for men's fashion this spring: the models, especially the tiles. Plaid is not only big, it is gigantic. And it's a refreshing change from solids. You will see a lot of plaid in blazers and suits this year.

The colors are more intense. The indigo blue suits and jackets are huge. The next time you watch ESPN or go to a wedding, keep an eye out for avant-garde men in this much more vibrant blue. They are everywhere. Forget the navy.

Sometimes you will see a tweed vest under a blue jacket. Zac Napolitano, director of Lin-Pauls Bridal and Tuxedo, says it's a return to old-school style, a time when people wore costumes all the time. He calls it The Roaring 20s look.

But overall, men's fashion is more laid back in 2020. Lin-Pauls shows many more blazer looks than suits with ties. And if you're wearing a three-piece suit, the new style is to have a matching, probably checkered, pattern for the waistcoat and jacket, then a different solid color for the pants.

For shirts, you will notice what is called a spread collar in men's fashion, where the points of the collar are shorter, less pointed down and more spread out on the sides. The buttoned collars are out. And if you're going to wear a tie, the forehand thin knot and the half Windsor disappear. Go big or go home with the full Windsor knot. It fits perfectly to new spread necklaces.

What about shoes? Most of the guys in these indigo suits wear light brown shoes. They are more casual than black and add a nice touch of color. Napolitano says that Oxblood shoes are making a comeback. It is a kind of burgundy brown.

We also saw a ton of bright, patterned prints in the jacket lining. It is a cool and subtle way to show a personal touch. And talk about wild prints if you have a call to wear a tuxedo, you should see some of the jacquard prints that are hot this year.

I guarantee you will not be bored in these clothes!

Lin-Pauls Bridal & Tuxedo is located at 101 N. 3rd Street in Yakima. Their number is 509-248-6191.

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