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Italy has the lowest number of new deaths in three weeks Instant news


Italy has the lowest number of new deaths in three weeks, South Korea continues its new downward trend in the coronavirus, and Venezuela extended the national quarantine for another 30 days.

Italy has recorded the lowest number of deaths from the new Corona virus in three weeks, and 431 people have died on the last day, bringing the total to 19899.

Monica Carvora, fourth from left, Deputy Chief Emergency Officer of Santo Spirito, was carrying a chocolate easter egg when she took a picture with her team in central Rome. (AP)

It is the lowest daily sacrifice since March 19.

For the ninth consecutive day, intensive care admission cases decreased and overall hospitalization decreased, relieving pressure on the overburdened Italian healthcare system.

The test results were positive over 4,000 people when Italy started its fifth week under national closure, and continued the general settlement of the infection curve.

The Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement on Sunday (local time) that additional cases increased the country’s total to 10,512.

Wearing face masks while maintaining a social distance, Easter service attended the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea. (AP)

Of these, 7,368 have been recovered and released from quarantine, and 13788 are being tested to determine if they are infected with the virus, it added.

The center said the death toll in South Korea due to the Coronavirus had risen by three to 214.

The burden of the South Korean issue has slowed recently, compared to early March when it recorded hundreds of new cases every day.

The total number of deaths in France due to the coronavirus increased to about 14,400, but for the fourth consecutive day, the number of people treated in intensive care – 35 fewer – gave health workers a reason to understand the good news.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Health on Sunday said that the statistics confirmed that the country had reached a “plateau” and reflected early indications that nearly four weeks of imprisonment and a “sharp drop in communications” had had an impact.

Health officials say another 657 people in the UK have died from the new coronavirus, increasing the total deaths in the UK by more than 10,000 people.

National health service numbers do not include deaths in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. All UK numbers will be released later.

There were 657 deaths, 9,875 deaths of people with COVID-19 at a British hospital announced Saturday (local time).

Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro extended the national quarantine for 30 days to prevent the spread of new coronaviruses across the crisis-hit country in South America.

Maduro announced the measure yesterday, on the same day that the fourth shipment of medical supplies from China arrived to fight the virus. So far, officials say, 175 people in Venezuela have contracted the disease and nine of them have died from the virus.

A woman wears a protective mask as a precaution against a coronavirus, just waiting to fill her car with gasoline in Caracas, Venezuela. (GT)

Medical workers say Venezuela is at risk due to widespread malnutrition and the poor condition of hospitals that lack basic supplies such as soap and water.

After the first disclosure, officials quickly ordered 30 million people to stay in their homes, as well as suspend schools and international trips.

North Korea has said it will take tougher steps to protect the coronavirus, despite maintaining a “very stable epidemic situation”.

On Sunday, the Korean Central News Agency said that leader Kim Jong Un and other leaders discussed the epidemic during a political bureau meeting in Pyongyang on Saturday.

North Korea has made all-out efforts to prevent the spread of the virus in the country. She said there was not a single case of HIV infection in her area, a claim that many outside experts have questioned.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the highest center, is attending the meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party’s political bureau in Pyongyang. (AP)

The Japanese Prime Minister sent the message “stay home” by giving an example on Twitter to a video of him sitting at home.

In a one-minute video clip released Sunday, Shinzo Abe hugged his dog, read a book, sip a cup, and tap the remote.

The famous singer and actor General Hoshino is also shown in a video on a split screen, playing his guitar at home.

Mr. Abe issued the state of emergency a few days ago, then expanded it nationally, asking people who can work from home and business to the neighborhood.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government employees wear face masks bearing banners when they call people to stay indoors in the Kabukicho Entertainment District in Tokyo, Japan. (GT)

No deaths were reported, leaving China 3339 out of 82,052.

Another 1,168 people are under isolation and observation because they have tested positive for the virus, but have no symptoms or may become infected.

New Zealand reported only 18 new cases of COVID-19 and there were no more deaths on Sunday, and strict rules on social isolation show more signs to slow the spread of the disease.

Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, Director-General of Health, said in the daily briefing that New Zealand now has 1,330 confirmed cases. Five people were in the intensive care unit, one of them in critical condition.

Chinese workers and health officials wear protective clothing when they direct travelers from Hubei Province, including Wuhan, when they gather to take the bus while they are being treated and are taken to quarantine for 14 days, after arriving by train in Beijing, China. (GT)

Bloomfield said that 471 people have recovered from the virus, including 49 in the past 24 hours because the number of people recovering is still outnumbering the new cases.

In its Twitter announcement on Saturday night, the IRS did not say how many taxpayers had received payments or how much money had been spent so far.

The amount is part of a $ 2.2 trillion bailout package approved by Congress and signed by President Donald Trump last month into law.

Meanwhile, defense officials said the White House had approved the production of the N95 masks amid the Corona virus pandemic.

According to the statement, US $ 133 million will be used to increase the production capacity of masks to more than 39 million over the next 90 days.

Detroit Police Chief, Jephon Johnson, to the right, speaks with Lieutenant Pride Henry outside the TCF Center, in Detroit. (AP)

Lumaxono, head of the regional office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, said hundreds of police and soldiers have been mobilized to take control of the Tumiting prison in North Sulawesi province, which was designed to house 490 inmates but now has more than 550 prisoners.

Lomaxono, who uses one name, said that preliminary investigations revealed that many prisoners, most of them drug offenders, were angry because of restrictions on family visits and jealousy after the initial release of 115 prisoners to limit the spread of the coronavirus in prison.

Coronavirus: what you need to know

How is the coronavirus transmitted?

Helpful hints for reducing coronavirus transmission. (9 news)

How can I protect myself and my family?

WHO and NSW Health recommend basic hygiene practices as the best way to protect yourself from coronaviruses.

Clean your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer;
Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with your handkerchief or elbow;
Avoid close contact with anyone who has cold or flu symptoms;
Implement safe food practices; and
Stay home if you are sick.

The Associated Press reported.

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