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Tire Factory requests release of Lock Business | Instant news


Tire manufacturer required release from the lock

An auto industry official said on Saturday that tire manufacturers are repeating demand for dealers and industrial exemptions from the lock caused by the Corona virus because they are an integral part of the agricultural supply chain.

Hussain Kuli, CEO of General Tire, said that the Sindh government needs to play an important role in supporting the agricultural sector to ensure food security in the country during the war against the new corona virus (COVID-19).

Kuli respects the exemption from the lock granted for activities related to agriculture, including harvesting, use of handrails and tractors, and repair / maintenance and manufacturing. He said in a statement, “Such measures will be more effective if permits are granted to producers of agricultural tires.” “This will increase the government’s efforts to ensure uninterrupted food supplies, because tires are an important part of agricultural tractors and transport.”

The Sindh government enforces the closure until April 14, but it provides exceptions to several sectors, including agriculture and related activities, with an emphasis on demand for fertilizers, seeds and pesticides for summer crops (April – June). Decisions are made at the request of the farmer.

The autumn season begins in this province, and if the agricultural supply chain remains closed, the main season crops, including cotton and rice, will not be cultivated, while the production of vegetables and fruits will suffer as well. Closing the supply chain will lead to a food crisis.

Last month, the Federal Ministry of Food Security and Research advised all provincial governments to free agricultural supply chains from closure to ensure food security in the country and achieve the estimated production goal for all crops.

The Punjab government also freed entire agricultural supply chains from closing.

Cooley said the government’s steps in fighting COVID-19 including maintaining social distance and other prudent standard operating procedures were beneficial to preventing the spread of the disease.

“And we must follow the rules.” “The factory will take all necessary measures if it is allowed to start production. Therefore, he will take all precautions and actions. “

General Tire has been certified to maintain the Environmental Management System in accordance with established standards and occupational safety and health management regulations in accordance with the standards established by local authorities.

The industrialists last week called on provincial ministers and suggested opening industries. The government agrees to cut revenue due to the closure of industry and customs. Businessmen stressed during the meeting the importance of the system to keep the economic engine running.


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