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Modi's no to Holi did not make him anti-Hindu. Why didn't he tweet against Diwali crackers?


An archive photo of PM Modi | Twitter

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VSthe fear of oronaviruses is real. So much so that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had to To cancel his Holi Milan program. Interior Minister Amit Shah followed and tweeted that he would not attend Holi rallies this year either. And yet, there is no Hindu outrage and anything about Bakr-id.

I wish Narendra Modi and Amit Shah said that there were no firecrackers for Diwali to fight air pollution in Delhi.

Love it or hate it, but you can't deny that the Indian Prime Minister is a pioneer. With more than 50 million followers on Twitter, Modi has the honor of being part of the sacred list of the most followed politicians around the world. Much of his lahar is visible on social networks millions of people added the prefix chowkidar to their Twitter names last year after the Prime Minister made the even, in response to Congress chowkidar chor hai campaign against him. Modi subscribers get angry when PM talks about quitting social media (even if it is a gadget for Women's Day).

When the PM decided not to celebrate Holi, his supporters published similar statements on Twitter. Many welcomed the move following the growing threat of coronavirus that the country is currently facing. Strangely enough, I could not find a single tweet condemning the Prime Minister's decision to stay away from the celebrations as an anti-Hindu. After all, a huge chunk of his followers regard Modi as the messiah of Hindu culture.

Also read: PM Modi and Amit Shah say no to Holi Milan events due to fear of coronavirus

Anti-hindu diwali, but not anti-Hindu Holi

Wait, but why was I looking for tweets condemning the PM's decision? Why not? The Twitterati have repeatedly trolled these, whether they are Bollywood stars or ordinary people advocating Diwali without cracking, calling them anti-Hindu and anti-culture. Despite the deterioration in air quality in northern India during Diwali last year, we have seen how Delhites detonated the crackers, even boasting while ignoring the supreme courts restrictions.

So now I am confused about what is anti-Hindu and what is not. What lessons can we learn from it (any support and no opposition to Modis Holi's position)? Is it because the followers of Modi are inspired by what he says? I think if the Prime Minister had tweeted asking people not to pop the crackers, the contribution of cracker pollution to the deterioration of air quality in northern India would have decreased to a large extent. PM's appeal would also have eased the burden of those faced with the issue of being a true Hindu of troll armies, simply because they had not detonated crackers .

Also read: Diwali crackers leave Delhi-NCR out of breath as air quality declines at worst of seasons: CSE report

Do we fear only immediate threats?

Fear of immediate dangers and a complacent attitude towards long-term threats speak volumes about human nature. We are impatient creatures. The idea of ​​an apocalypse, or pralayas we call it in ancient texts, always excites us, and maybe even makes us more vigilant. I was in school when The Great Fear of Judgment Day 2012 made the headlines and we all tried to imagine, with great enthusiasm, what it would be.

The spread of the coronavirus and the loss of 3,500 lives is another example of an immediate threat that has displaced people around the world, forcing governments to take appropriate action. Deaths from a virus have the ability to invoke a widespread response from the public and the state, but what about a human-inflicted tragedy? We might not have worried if they were dead at the hands of other humans. We have examples closer to home, more recently in the riots in Delhi.

I can't understand why most politicians don't consider issues like climate change and pollution, which could have consequences similar to those of an apocalypse, as real threats. Maybe because they think such a crisis will be played out slowly, over a long period of time. And politicians only think of the immediate future, which extends to the next election.

The Holi festival is also infamous for incidents of sexual harassment. When women ask not to touch them during celebrations, men barely listen. Now that PM Modi has asked people not to touch each other (because of the coronavirus), it looks like everyone is going to line up. This proves that the followers do not listen to anyone other than their supreme leader.

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