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Venezuela on the agenda for Trump's meeting with Brazilian leader


WEST PALM BEACH, Florida. President Donald Trump would not pledge on Saturday to continue not hitting Brazil with tariffs on imports of its aluminum and steel, saying I am not making any promises.

Trump commented in the presence of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, whom Trump was hosting for dinner at his vacation home in South Florida.

In a tweet in December, Trump accused the Bolsonaro government of harming American farmers by manipulating its currency. He pledged to lower tariffs on Brazilian aluminum and steel, but withdrew the threat a few days later.

We have a very good relationship when it comes to pricing … we still want to help Brazil, said Trump, who appeared with Bolsonaro at the front door of his Mar-a-Lago estate. American and Brazilian flags fluttered in the breeze on either side of the door.

"The friendship is probably stronger now than it ever was," said Trump.

When asked if his comments didn't mean new tariffs on Brazil, Trump refused to commit.

I make no promises, he said, before driving Bolsonaro to a dinner table on the club's busy outdoor patio. US National Security Advisor Robert O & Brien and Trump's daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, both senior White House advisers, were also at the table with several officials of the Brazilian government.

Trump also praised Bolsonaro's leadership.

It does a fantastic job. Good work. Brazil loves it and the United States loves it, "said Trump.

Brazil faces double-digit unemployment and economic growth that is half of what Bolsonaro promised as a candidate. He is also struggling to get legislation through Congress.

White House officials said the crisis in Venezuela, a possible US-Brazil trade deal, and Chinese telecom company Huawei were hot topics for leaders. A statement released by the White House after the meeting did not mention Huawei.

Bolsonaro is on a three-day trip to the United States that includes a visit to the Miami headquarters of the U.S. Southern Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Bolsonaro has also scheduled meetings with the Florida Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, both Republicans. Trump is in Florida until Monday.

The Trump administration has been the most important ally of Venezuela's opposition since Juan Guaid jumped into the center of Venezuela's tumultuous political landscape over a year ago. He pledged to force President Nicols Maduro to step down and restore democracy.

Although Guaid has the support of more than 60 nations, its popularity has waned, coupled with a failed military uprising.

The United States is continuing its campaign of maximum pressure against Maduro and will continue to work on bottlenecks not specified in a trade agreement with Brazil, said a senior Trump administration official who informed the journalists before the leaders' meeting.

The United States lobbied governments around the world to ban Chinese tech giant Huawei from participating in their 5G networks. But Trump's campaign was hit hard when the U.S. ally, Britain, decided to give Huawei a limited role in supplying new high-speed network equipment to wireless operators. The United States sees Huawei as an intelligence threat.

Bolsonaro, called the tropic trump, has turned his relationship with the President into a cornerstone of his foreign diplomacy. The far-right Brazilian leader used Trump to consolidate his base, often praising him and posting videos of him on social media simply by watching Trump's speeches on television.

Trump loves Bolsonaro and says they have a good relationship. He welcomed Bolsonaro to the White House last March.

The trip to the United States is a welcome respite for Bolsonaro, who has a weak economy at home and a strained relationship with Congress. Several opposition parties issued a manifesto this week, encouraging Brazilians to protest against the government.

Bolsonaro's allies see invitation to dinner at Mar-a-Lago, Trump's paid private club in Palm Beach, as another sign that Bolsonaros' alignment with America is paying off .

Last year Trump granted Brazil privileged ally status outside of NATO and supported his candidacy for membership in the Organization for Cooperation and Development economic.

But U.S. support can be fickle, and government critics wonder if the Brazils' seemingly unconditional adherence to Trump's policy will bring real benefits. Trump's refusal to pledge to most likely suspend tariffs would be seen as an example.

Brazil is also struggling to combat growing illegal deforestation in the vast Amazon rainforest and was criticized for its mismanagement of the devastating fires in the region last summer.


Jeantet reported from Rio de Janeiro.

Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, disseminated, rewritten or redistributed without authorization.

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