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Judge refuses to drop charges against Trump for using Electric Avenue


Former president used Eddy Grants song in failed 2020 re-election campaign

A New York federal judge on Tuesday refused to dismiss a lawsuit by musician Eddy Grant against former President Donald Trump for the use of his music during Trump’s failed re-election campaign.

Trump used the Grants song Electric Avenue in a video he posted to Twitter on August 12, 2020. Following Grants’ copyright claim, Twitter deleted the video. The social media site has also since banned Trump, the Grio previously reported.

(Credit: Getty Images)

Grant filed a lawsuit in New York last September, alleging copyright infringement. The animated video showed a train with the Trumps campaign logo followed by a small railcar operated by its then opponent, President Joe Biden, with Electric Avenue in the background. Trump argued that copyright was fair dealing.

The purpose of the animation is not to broadcast the song or to supplant sales of the original song, a motion to dismiss has said, The Hill reported. Here, a reasonable observer would perceive that the animation uses the song for a comedic and political purpose, a different and transformed purpose from that of the original song.

U.S. District Judge John Koetl issued the order declaring that Trump had not contended that the song, which aired on most of the video, was fair use.

A reasonable observer would perceive that the animation uses the song for a comedic and political purpose, a different and transformed purpose from that of the original song, the motion reads. Further, in light of the obvious comedic or satirical nature of Animation, a reasonable observer would consider Animation to be a review or commentary.

(Photo: AP / Evan Vucci)

Grant isn’t the only musical artist to oppose Trump’s use of their music. This list includes rock legend Neil Young, John Fogerty of Creedence Clearwater, and the Rolling Stones, who have filed a lawsuit to prevent Trump from using their 1969 hit, You Cant Always Get What. You want.

Moreover, the layoff failure wasn’t the only recent court loss for Trump: his former mentee Omarosa Manigault Newman triumphed in arbitration after Trump tried to enforce a non-disclosure agreement against her. after the release in 2018 of his book Unhinged: An Insiders Account of the Trump White House. Manigault Newman who served as assistant to the president and director of communications for the White House Public Liaison Office in early 2017 after appearing in Trumps on his reality show, The Apprentice, expressed his joy at the decision.

The story continues

Obviously, I am very happy with this decision, she wrote. Donald has used this type of vexatious litigation to intimidate, harass and intimidate for years! Finally, the bully has met his match!

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Post judge refuses to drop charges against Trump for using Electric Avenue first appeared on TheGrio.




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