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No 10 defends Boris Johnson’s vacation despite energy crisis


Boris Johnson is reportedly taking a break in Marbella with his wife Carrie and son Wilfred.  (Photo: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Boris Johnson is reportedly taking a break in Marbella with his wife Carrie and son Wilfred. (Photo: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Downing Street has defended Boris Johnson’s decision to go on vacation despite issues at home over skyrocketing energy prices and supply chain issues.

The Prime Minister is currently on a break with his family in Marbella, southern Spain, following the Conservative Party’s conference in Manchester last week.

The timing of her vacation has been criticized given the ongoing energy crisis, which has left some industries dependent on gas warning of shutdowns over the winter.

The government is currently in talks with industry leaders on the measures needed to avert a winter crisis caused by soaring gas prices.

But Downing Street defended Johnson’s decision to leave, saying he continues to work on government business.

The prime minister’s official spokesperson said he had responded to a call from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and was briefed on work to address supply chain issues.

The prime minister continues to be in the driver’s seat, as is always the case, the spokesperson said. The Prime Minister has already taken calls with the leaders and there will be more to follow.

The Prime Minister has been kept regularly informed of the work being done to resolve current issues related to supply and fuel chains.

He is in regular contact with the ministers and No. 10. He also continues to respond to calls, especially in the run-up to Cop26.

The spokesperson declined to reveal where Johnson was taking his break, but reports suggest he is on vacation at Environment Minister Lord Goldsmith’s villa in Richmond Park in Marbella.

When asked if Johnson paid for the vacation himself, the spokesperson replied: Any statements that need to be made will be made in the normal way, but I have nothing to add to that. I would not enter anything on site for security reasons.

Some ministers have jumped on the Prime Minister’s defense over his vacation, including Home Secretary Damian Hinds, who told Sky News: When is the right time?

What is important to the rest of us in fact, to the whole country, is that the Prime Minister can spend time with his family, take a break.

Earlier Monday, UK Steel chief executive Gareth Stace said now was not the time for Johnson to go on vacation.

I’m sure he can phone them and talk to them, but in my opinion now is not the time for a prime minister to be on vacation, from a steel industry perspective, he said.

And he urged the prime minister to bump ministerial heads to prevent an industrial crisis from hitting his sector.

This is a critical moment, he told LBC.

The business secretary also said it was a critical situation, and so why is the government just standing idly by and doing absolutely nothing right now?

From my perspective, today, with the reported infighting between the Treasury and the BEIS, the Prime Minister must now bang his head on ministers, take control and remember that if he does nothing, then his ambition to ramp up will be left aside. shreds.

This article originally appeared on The HuffPost UK and has been updated.

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