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Coronavirus: retirees should be told not to leave their homes if the epidemic worsens


Retirees could be asked to stay at home if the coronavirus spreads across Britain, to a drastic measure contemplated by the ministers, according to reports.

The special measure for the elderly and those with health problems should be announced by the deputy chief medical officer, Dr. Jenny Harries, as the planning of the epidemic moves into high gear.

While Prime Minister Boris Johnson is about to make a decision on the introduction of new restrictions on the movement of people when he organizes another meeting of the COBRA emergency committee this week, reports The sun .

Experts could advise the PM to move from the confinement phase to the delay phase today, which means that more measures are being put in place to curb the spread of the disease that has already killed two Britons.

The number of coronavirus cases in Britain has exceeded 200
(Image: lincolnshire live WS)

Dr. Harries said that "stepping up planning" since government targets delaying the peak of the epidemic would help "reduce the number of patients entering the NHS during our busy winter period" .

We can in the future recommend certain measures, such as working from home or asking more vulnerable people to stay at home, she added.

Figures show that older people are more likely to get seriously ill from COVID-19, the virus that kills over eight percent of patients in their 60s, as well as 14 for one hundred for those in their forties.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has promised that all decisions will be made on the basis of science
(Image: PA)

Young people have a much better chance of successfully fighting the deadly disease, with the death rate as low as 1% for those in their 50s, while children have almost a zero% chance of dying.

But with people who may have to take time off work to care for their elderly parents if told to stay home, this could have negative effects on the economy.

However, Dr. Harries stressed that every decision the government makes about the outbreak will only be made if it is supported by science.

We must carefully balance social and economic costs with clinical effectiveness and the need to ensure the safety of people, "she said.

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Coronavirus epidemic

Johnson, meanwhile, reassured the nation that his government is "well prepared," adding that defeating the virus "will require national and international effort."

A report suggesting that 100,000 Britons could die from the epidemic is a "worse case," according to Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who attended a COBRA meeting by teleconference last week.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said "public safety is my top priority" and reiterated the words of the Prime Minister and Dr. Harries noting that Westminster was doing "everything in its power" to combat coronaviruses, as people infected in the UK were over 200.

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