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Boris Johnson, it's time for you to honor your promises and invest in the Greater Southwest


Westcountry leaders have called on the government to honor its promises and invest in the Southwest in this week's budget.

The Greater Southwest Partnership, an alliance of businesses, councils, chambers of commerce, universities and colleges, requires Chancellor Rishi Sunak to announce seed funding of $ 2 million ; euros to help unlock unprecedented growth in the region.

The partnership represents a $ 64 billion power economy in the counties of the southwestern peninsula of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Dorset and says the region has the potential to generate an additional $ 45 billion for the British economy and create 190,000 new jobs over the next 15 years.

In recent weeks, the Greater South West partnership has grown, with the all-new multi-stakeholder parliamentary group (APPG) coming together to reiterate its infrastructure priorities, and APPG President Sir Gary Streeter wrote to the new chancellor for a continued commitment to the region, previously assured by his predecessor.

On Friday, the Great South Wests flyer was announced at a meeting of the South West Business Council at Exeter Racecourse in partnership with the Western Morning News #BackTheGreatSouthWest campaign.

Western Morning News editor Bill Martin calls on Prime Minister to keep his word its engagement in the Southwest made to delegates from the Great South West at number 10 Downing Street in November.

Mr Johnson told the delegation: We want to address some of the infrastructure problems in the region as well as other vital services. Because it is the mission of my Conservative government to unite and level the country and the Southwest has potential in all kinds of areas.

The South West countryside is excellent and your region is a top priority for me. So I can assure you that we want to support and defend everything you do.

Friday at the conference, Mr. Martin said: The budget is a key moment for the government, but also for the Southwest region. Premiers' own words are even more significant after the collapse of Flybe.

It is time for him and his government to put the money where they are.

The trade delegation representing #BackTheGreatSouthWest in Downing Street last year
(Image: BusinessLive)

Sarah Moody, director of corporate affairs and investor relations for the Pennon Group, said: Back the Great South West, the campaign founded by Pennon, the Western Morning News and the region's business community is now in its fourth year.

As a region, we speak with one voice and ask the government to keep its promise to level up across the country. With the support and commitment of the government, the region has a compelling vision of what can be achieved 45 billion growth and 190,000 jobs by 2035.

We hope that the Chancellor will hear our call for more funding in infrastructure and vital skills that will generate new investments in the region.

David Ralph, CEO of the Heart of the South West LEP, defined the six key areas in which the Greater South West works.
GSW is striving to become the clean energy powerhouse and environmental capital of the UK, to become world leaders in autonomous marine technologies, to become a testing ground for new technology and thinking, to become a center of the agricultural revolution and act as a beacon for rural productivity and tourism excellence.

Steve Hindley, President of the Greater Southwest, said: What we can offer is the country's first zero carbon region and a net exporter of clean energy.

What we are saying to the government is that this is our offer, we want to hear from the government how it is going to deliver on its promises and immediately start working on Stonehenge, putting the infrastructure in place.

The call of business leaders

Mark Duddridge is the current president of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly LEP.
Mark Duddridge is the current president of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly LEP

Karl Tucker, President of the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership said: It is common knowledge that successive governments have underinvested in the Southwest and now is the time to upgrade to the North and from the southeast. Weve got the potential to lead the UK as the first positive carbon economy.

Jim Stewart, president of the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership, said: The Greater Southwest has united the Southwest region, creating a clear voice and an ambitious vision for the future. With the support of the government, this Great Southwest proposal will bring economic, social and environmental benefits to our region.

Back in the Great South West
Back in the Great South West

Mark Duddridge, President of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly LEP, said: This week's budget is the first opportunity for the government to show that it is serious about delivering its upgrade program in all regions of the country. The partners of the Greater Southwest have come together like never before to present a coherent and convincing vision of the advancement of our region, and we hope to see it recognized on March 11.

John Hart, head of Devon County Council and responsible for local government on the Greater South West Partnership added:
We are forging a powerful alliance to fly the flag of the Great South West. We want to increase the prosperity of our region and respond positively to climate change with a growth plan for clean energy. With the support of governments, we can and we will.

"Put us on the map"

Paul Crawford, Managing Director LiveWest

LiveWest, the largest housing association in the Southwest, which is expected to build 7,000 homes in the region over the next five years, is also supporting the campaign to shine a spotlight on the Southwest.

Chief Executive Officer Paul Crawford said: We are passionate about putting the South West on the map.

It is really important to know clearly where the South West stands in terms of growth and what are the priorities if it wants to succeed economically in the future.

For us, this is a very good opportunity to work with others to create a compelling story about what the South West has to offer, which partners are willing to contribute, but also what support we would need. of government so that the region can flourish.

He added: With an average house in the Southwest that costs more than 10 times the average wage, there is pressure on people to access affordable housing.

It is not just the volume of houses, but good houses at the right prices to reflect the economic challenges that many people in the South West have to access housing.

The economic resilience of the South West suffered a setback this week with the disappointing news about Flybe and we cannot be complacent. We understand the role that regional airports play in contributing to economic prosperity and regional connectivity.

It is important that the government recognizes the importance of leveling the regions and we are committed to working with them to resolve the housing problem that is the key to the long-term social and economic success of the Southwest.

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