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Boris Johnson live news: Tory MPs not happy with social care ceiling


MPs vote to approve controversial social protection proposals

Jeremy Hunt explained why he abstained in last night’s crucial vote on reforms to England’s welfare system, saying he felt conflicted and disappointed with the government’s decision to make households pay the most. poor disproportionate costs.

The changes to the health and healthcare bill announced a few days ago will save the government 900 million euros per year by making the proposed cap on lifelong social care costs much less generous for the poorest retirees, while allowing wealthy owners to pass the majority of their assets on to their children.

The former health secretary said Conservative MPs like me were not happy with the changes. It’s more that [the the government] will help fewer people than we originally thought to protect their assets, Mr Hunt told BBC Radio 4s Today program.

It comes after Boris Johnson saw his majority of 80 seats reduced in the House of Commons when MPs approved the controversial changes by 272-246, a majority of just 26.

Meanwhile, a Westminster Cathedral service for Sir David Amess, who was stabbed to death last month, has started. The Prime Minister and the Labor leader are among some 800 guests honoring the Tory MP after a private funeral attended by family and friends yesterday.

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Watch: Hunt says Johnsons CBI’s speech didn’t go particularly well

Boris Johnson CBI speech did not go particularly well, says former health secretary Jeremy Hunt

Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 10:07 AM


The real crisis in care is the lack of funding for the board, warns Hunt

The real crisis in social services, a chronic shortage of funding and staff, is being ignored as controversy rages over diluting promises to cap lifetime costs, said Jeremy Hunt.

The former health secretary warned that the government must act, even if it is about to reject its candidacy for independent experts to assess the number of staff needed because it would be too expensive, reports our deputy political editor. Rob merrick.

Were going a bit of a diversion. There is a crisis in social services and it’s not really about how we calculate eligibility for the cap, but the funding that local authorities receive, he told BBC Radio 4 earlier.

Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 9:57 AM


Johnsons CBI speech not a big moment, Tory MP admits

A little more of Jeremy Hunt now. The senior conservative said Boris Johnson CBI’s speech was not a big moment for the PM and agreed there were things we can do better.

But he said the rumors about Mr Johnson did not compare to the criticisms of David Cameron or Theresa May.

Speaking on Times Radio, Mr Hunt said: It was not a big time and it was not a big month for the government.

I’m sure there are things we can do better. But I was a cabinet member for nine years from 2010 and frankly there was never a time when there was no noise in Westminster, there weren’t any backers. -ban complaining about the way the government works.

Cameron and George Osborne have been the subject of complaints about their management of the economy, while Ms May clashed with her ministers and MPs over Brexit in a suspended parliament.

Even though the past month hasn’t been good for the government, I don’t think the noises we’re getting now compare to … some of the ones we’ve had before, he said.

Here he says much the same to Sky News:

Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 9:46 AM


Sir David Amess: Requiem Mass to be held today at Westminster Cathedral

Boris Johnson and Sir Keir Starmer will be among senior politicians attending a service in Westminster Cathedral today for Sir David Amess, the Tory MP who was killed in the service of his constituents.

A message from the Pope will be read as Requiem Mass is held in London on Tuesday after a private funeral held in Southend the day before.

People marched through the streets to pay their respects to the Member of Parliament for Southend West as mourners attended a private ecumenical service at St Marys Church in Prittlewell on Monday.

Sir Davids’ casket, draped in a union flag, was carried by porters from the Southend Fire Department.

After the church service, they carried the casket to a horse-drawn hearse for a procession around Southend.

Members of the public line the streets as the horse-drawn funeral procession for Sir David passes

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Members of the public line the streets as the horse-drawn funeral procession for Sir David passes


Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 9:08 AM


ICYMI: Ant and Dec poke fun at PM’s speech on I’m a Celebrity

‘Forgive me’: Ant and Dec poke fun at Boris Johnson’s goof speech on I’m a Celebrity

Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 8:51 AM


Ask an expert about the impact of planned social protection reforms

The independent organize an event ask me anything with an expert Ian hamilton, researcher in the Department of Health Sciences at York University. Ian is an associate professor of addiction and lectures on mental health. He looks forward to answering your questions about the potential impact the social services bill could have on those hardest hit across the country.

Ian will be here tomorrow (Wednesday November 24) between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to answer your questions. All you have to do to participate is submit your question to Ian in the comments section of the article below.

Sign up to submit your question in the comments box below. If you are not already a member, click on subscribe in the comments section to ask your question.

Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 8:42 AM


Conflict and disappointment: Hunt defends abstaining from voting

Earlier, talking to BBC breakfastHealth Select Committee Chairman Jeremy Hunt said he abstained in Monday night’s critical vote because he conflicted with the government’s approach.

He said: I was in conflict, I ended up abstaining because it is a big disappointment that they changed the way the cap is calculated.

But it is still a step forward.

Not including board support to calculate whether the care cost cap has been reached means it won’t protect assets for as many people as we had hoped, he said.

Let us not forget that the poorest people will receive more help, sooner, than they are currently receiving.

Hunt will push the government today to release independently verified assessments of the current and future health and social services workforce every two years, as MPs continue to scrutinize the health and care bill .

Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 8:33 AM


Hunt admits not happy with changes in social services but thinks Tories are fine

Hunt, speaking to the BBC Nick Robinson, is quickly asked about his reasons for refusing to participate in last night’s vote.

If you thought [the changes] were progressive enough, you would have voted for them, right? Robinson tells him frankly.

Amid a rambling response, Hunt makes it clear that yes, but that he was not happy with the change made last week.

However, pressured to explain why the Prime Minister reneged on his promise to protect the public good and ensure families don’t have to sell their homes, Hunt says it’s not entirely accurate to saying that people will have to sell their homes… is more than helping fewer people than we originally thought to protect their assets.

He adds that people like me were not very happy with the changes and that it makes the health and care bill harder to pack in the country.

Speaking more broadly about the past few weeks in parliament, Hunt says the past month has not been a good month for the government. But, he insists that what will count in the next election is if the party helps ordinary people with everyday problems.

Robinson steps in to ask if he thinks it does – pointing to welfare and rail problems in the North as indicators that it isn’t.

Hunt replies that the UK’s booster jab program is the best in Europe and gives people confidence in government. There are things that make a real difference, he says.

Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 8:27 AM


Hunt confirms he abstained in social services vote

Jeremy Hunt who has already confirmed, via an appearance on BBC breakfast, which he abstained in the vote on social services appears on BBC Radio 4 Today now.

The former health secretary is expected to be asked about the controversial cap, so stay tuned for his lines.

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(British Parliament / AP)

Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 8:16 AM


Common sessions to watch on Tuesday

Here is a parliamentary program for today (Tuesday 23 November):

12:30 p.m. Health and social protection issues

1:30 p.m. Urgent questions / statements

A 10 minute rule motion on climate education

Health and Care Bill – report stage (second day) and third reading

A short debate on Ickford and the risk of flooding in planning

3:10 p.m. Dormant Assets Bill – Third Reading

Armed Forces Bill – report stage

Sam hancockNovember 23, 2021 8:13 AM




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