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Sources: Jan 6 WH Rally Team used Burner phones to talk to the White House


Some of the organizers who planned the rally that took place on the Ellipse of the White House on January 6 are said to have used hard-to-trace cellphones for their “higher-level” communications with former President Trump’s team. .

Kylie Kremer, a senior official with the “March for Trump” group who helped plan the Ellipse rally, asked an aide to retrieve three cell phones days before January 6, according to three sources involved in the event. One of the sources, a member of the “March for Trump” team, said Kremer insisted that the phones be bought in cash and described it as “of the utmost importance.”

All three sources said Kylie Kremer took one of the phones and used it to communicate with top White House and Trump campaign officials, including Eric Trump, the president’s second eldest son, who heads the family’s real estate business; Lara Trump, Eric’s wife and former senior consultant to the Trump campaign; Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff; and Katrina Pierson, a Trump surrogate and campaign consultant.

The member said a second phone was handed over to Amy Kremer, Kylie Kremer’s mother and another key organizer of the rally. The team member said he did not know for whom the third phone was purchased.

“It was around the time of planning the event on the Ellipse, she needed cell phones to communicate with high level people, so she put it,” said the March For Trump team member at Rolling Stone, referencing Kylie Kremer.

Kylie and Amy Kremer did not immediately respond to a recorded request for comment.

According to the three sources, some of the most crucial planning conversations between major rally organizers and Trump’s inner circle have taken place on these burner phones. “They were planning all kinds of things, marches and rallies. Any conversation she’s had with the White House or the Trump family has been on these phones, ”the team member said of Kylie Kremer.

Spokesmen for President Trump and Meadows also did not respond to a request for comment. Eric Trump, Lara Trump and Pierson did not respond to requests for comment.

Burner phones – inexpensive prepaid cells designed for temporary use – don’t require users to have an account. This makes them difficult to trace and ideal for those seeking anonymity, especially if purchased in cash. The use of burner phones could make it more difficult for congressional investigators to find evidence of coordination between the Trump team and rally organizers.

The House special committee on the January 6 attack examined the role played by Trump and his allies in what the committee described as “efforts to overthrow the rule of law, to overturn the election results of November 3, 2020 or otherwise hamper the peaceful transfer of power. As part of the effort, the committee subpoenaed documents from the Kremers, other “March For Trump” organizers, rally planners and senior Trump advisers, including members of his House staff. Blanche and her campaign team. The committee received “thousands of pages of documents” and, according to a lawyer familiar with the investigation, that includes “tons” of group text conversations. (The committee declined to comment.) Rolling Stone reviewed group texts from rally organizers which show the Kremers claiming to have worked with Trump’s team in the White House to plan the Ellipse event.

Kylie and Amy Kremer helped lead the nationwide ‘March For Trump’ bus tour in which speakers promoted false conspiracy theories about last November’s election and called for the results to be quashed. This tour culminated on Jan. 6 with the large “Save America” rally on the White House ellipse, which took place as Trump’s loss was certified on the United States Capitol. The Kremers also run an organization called “Women for America First”, which has been licensed for the Ellipse rally.

Trump spoke at the Ellipse rally on January 6 and said they should “walk down Pennsylvania Avenue” to the Capitol, located about 1.5 miles from the Ellipse. In his remarks, the former president told the crowd to both “fight like hell” and “make your voice heard in a peaceful and patriotic way”. At the end of the speech, crowds of Trump supporters walked through barricades at the Capitol complex. Some supporters broke into the building and spent hours attacking Capitol Police and threatening violence against lawmakers, an attack that delayed President Biden’s certification of victory in the 2020 election.

There was no evidence that the Kremers and other rally planners encouraged or planned violence in the group text messages reviewed by Rolling Stone. However, critics have argued that Trump and the leaders who encouraged thousands of his supporters to come to Washington when the vote was certified deserve some of the blame for the violence because of their pre-January. 6 rhetoric and fiery content from the former president’s speech at the Ellipse rally.

The three sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the ongoing investigation into the Jan.6 Capitol attack, said Kylie asked the assistant to purchase the three “burner phones” as the group drove through Palm Springs, California, about a week before the Ellipse Event. Based on the band’s website, which has since been discontinued, the tour began December 27, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada before moving on to California.

There could still be evidence of direct communications between Kylie Kremer and the White House in more traditional phone records. The team member says there have been rare exceptions in which Kylie Kremer has used her regular phone to communicate with Trump officials. “She once spoke with Mark Meadows on her home phone, but mostly on the burner’s phone,” the team member said.

Sources who spoke to Rolling Stone about the phones also describe an incident that happened around last Christmas as the “March For Trump” bus tour kicked off in Las Vegas – just before the phones were allegedly purchased. . According to the sources, the group stayed at the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, which is co-owned and managed by the former president’s real estate company. The team member said the group hoped to park their bus, which featured logos, a photo of Trump and a message saying “PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF ELECTIONS” outside the hotel. However, the team member said the hotel management initially declined due to political sensitivities and lack of space in front of the building.

“The hotel manager said, ‘There’s no way to have that here, unless you can get a Trump family member on the phone,'” the team member recalls. .

The photos reviewed by Rolling Stone showed the bus parked prominently outside the hotel’s main entrance. According to the team member, he was able to park because of calls from the Kremers to the Trump family.

“Amy and Kylie,” says the team member, “immediately got Eric and Lara on the phone. “




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