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Britons Boris Johnson and Frances Emmanuel Macron agree to step up efforts to prevent crossings after capsized migrant boat


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog (not visible) in London on November 23.POOL / AFP / Getty Images

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron agreed on Wednesday to step up joint efforts to prevent migrants from crossing the Channel after 31 people died earlier today when their rubber dinghy capsized during the trip.

A spokesman for the British Prime Minister said in a statement that the two leaders agreed on the urgency of stepping up joint efforts to prevent the deadly crossings and doing everything possible to stop the gangs responsible for putting the people’s lives in danger.

They stressed the importance of working closely with neighbors in Belgium and the Netherlands as well as with partners across the continent if we are to effectively tackle the problem before people reach French shores, added the spokesperson.

The victims drowned after their dinghy capsized as they attempted to cross France to England, in the worst disaster on record involving migrants in waters between countries.

I just want to say that I am shocked and dismayed and deeply saddened by the loss of life I see in the Channel, Johnson said after chairing an emergency committee meeting on the tragedy.

My thoughts and sympathies are with the victims and their families, and it is in a terrible situation that they have suffered. But this catastrophe underlines how dangerous it is to cross the Channel in this way.

Johnson added that more needs to be done to break down the gangs of human traffickers, who he says literally got away with murder.

The number of migrants attempting to cross the English Channel, the world’s busiest seaway, has jumped in recent months after the British and French governments cracked down on other forms of illegal entry, such as hiding behind trucks crossing the ports of France.

According to fishermen, more migrants left the northern coasts of France than usual on Wednesday to take advantage of calm sea conditions, despite the water being very cold.

Franck Dhersin, deputy director of regional transport and mayor of Teteghem on the north coast of France, told Reuters the death toll had reached 31 and two people were still missing.

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