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Turkey, UAE sign cooperation agreements to restore relations


ANKARA, Turkey (AP) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the powerful Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi oversaw the signing of several investment and cooperation agreements on Wednesday, as Turkey and the United Arab Emirates attempt to restore their relationships and strengthen their economic relationships.

The agreements were signed during a visit by Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who is considered the de facto leader and force behind UAE foreign policy. It was his first official trip to Turkey since 2012, and the highest-level visit by an Emirati official since relations bottomed out.

The brother of the crown prince who is the UAE’s national security adviser, Sheikh Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan, visited Turkey in August as an important first step towards reconciling the strained relations.

The quarrel between Ankara and Abu Dhabi has reverberated throughout the Middle East, leading to proxy conflict in Libya, as well as tensions in the Gulf and the eastern Mediterranean. Tensions have also surfaced on social media, with beatings and taunts from officials, state-aligned accounts and government supporters.

At the heart of their tensions was Turkey’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood in the region, which the UAE and other Arab countries see as a major national security threat that could disrupt their hereditary rule and hold over the country. decision making.

Ankara, for its part, suspects that the United Arab Emirates supported a network led by a U.S.-based Turkish Muslim cleric whom Turkey accuses of orchestrating a failed coup in 2016.

The Crown Prince was greeted at the Turkish Presidential Complex in Ankara in a ceremony that included a 21-gun salute.

He and Erdogan subsequently oversaw the signing of nearly a dozen cooperation agreements, including in the areas of trade, energy and the environment, as well as agreements allowing direct investment and cooperation. between the stock exchanges and the central banks of the two countries.

Turkish state agency Anadolu, meanwhile, quoted the head of Abu Dhabi Development Holding Company as saying that the UAE has allocated a $ 10 billion fund for investments in Turkey.

The prince’s visit to Turkey is seen as part of a larger UAE effort to recalibrate its foreign policy following an unsuccessful attempt to isolate the Gulf state of Qatar in 2017. Turkey, an ally of Qatar, rushed to support Doha amid an embargo imposed by the United Arab Emirates and three Arab states. Turkey has since deepened its military ties with Qatar.

The Arab quartet at the time demanded a series of overthrows from Qatar, including the expulsion of Turkish troops, but Qatar rejected those demands as violations of its sovereignty. The dispute was resolved earlier this year with an agreement signed in Saudi Arabia.

Turkey is also engaged in an effort to mend its frayed ties with regional powers, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, after finding itself increasingly isolated internationally.

Erdogan said after meeting with Sheikh Tahnoun in August that he expected the UAE to invest more in Turkey.

Turkish trade and finance ministers visited Abu Dhabi and Dubai on Tuesday, a visit that set the stage for Wednesday’s high-level meeting in Ankara.

Copyright © The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.




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