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China Xi should prioritize Taiwan issue in Biden talks – world peace organization


At their first virtual meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to warn US President Joe Biden to “take a step back” on the Taiwan issue. China is likely to show interest in reunification with Taiwan and possibly take steps in the future to achieve it. The United States and Taiwan share an informal relationship with close cooperation. The United States is providing assistance to maintain Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities. Growing tensions between China and Taiwan will likely be a priority for the United States as authorities seek to keep the peace across the Strait.

In a call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Saturday, senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi warned Washington against sending the wrong signals to Taiwan independence forces. Action like this can trigger strain on U.S.-China relations. However, this puts the United States in a difficult position to maintain its partnership with Taiwan. A Global Times editorial wrote that “[T]he question of Taiwan is China’s ultimate red line. China has continually viewed the nation as a separatist providence that it will one day reclaim.

China has vowed to recapture Taiwan, even if it requires force, while Taiwan maintains that it remains a sovereign state. Tensions are mounting as Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and her party support independence. In addition, Beijing has stepped up political and military pressure on Taipei. This raises concerns as a possible conflict could erupt between the two bodies. leaving the United States in the middle. Taiwan has its own democratically elected government and 23 million civilians; one wonders why China continues to push to regain this territory after so many years.

In 1949, the government of the Republic of China (ROC) moved to Taiwan while it was in conflict with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This group dominated Taiwanese politics and exercised jurisdiction over the island as well as the surrounding islands, leaving Taiwan and China with separate governments. Relations between the two nations began to improve in the 1980s under “one country, two systems,” in which Taiwan would enjoy significant autonomy if it accepted Chinese reunification. Although this offer was rejected, it helped relax some rules. However, tensions have intensified since the election of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in 2016.

Recently, Beijing has taken increasingly aggressive measures by flying fighter jets around Taiwan. Looking ahead, further aggressive actions are likely as China emphasizes the Taiwan issue in its agenda. Some analysts fear that a Chinese attack on Taiwan could drag the United States into war with China. However, it is also likely that China will not want to engage in such a conflict as it would disrupt its modernization and not want to confront the United States. It will be important to monitor the situation in case China takes further action, and it will be interesting to see how the United States chooses to respond and help its so-called ally.




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