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Omicron: Why the WHO did not use Nu or Xi for the new variant of Covid


Omicron was not the first choice for the new Covid variant, nor even the second. Speculation is rife, the WHO has chosen this name to avoid annoying China.

The World Health Organization’s decision to bypass two letters of the Greek alphabet to land on Omicron because the name of the latest variant of Covid-19 sparked suggestions that it was a deliberate move to avoid annoying China.

Following the discovery of a new variant earlier this week, the internet quickly assumed its name would be “Nu,” given that it came right after Delta in the Greek alphabet. Naked quickly started to become a trend on social media.

Confusion reigned when the variant was not called Nu, nor the next letter, “Xi”.
Why was Xi not used? As well as being a letter of the Greek alphabet, it is also the last name of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

It has been suggested that the name Xi was avoided to avoid angering Mr. Jinping.

The WHO, perhaps diplomatically, said Xi had not been used because he feared “stigmatizing an area.”

WHO skipped both letters in favor of “Omicron,” a decision an organization source later confirmed was deliberately taken to avoid confusion.

“Nu had been ignored to avoid confusion with the new word and Xi had been ignored to avoid stigmatizing an area,” the source said, according to The Telegraph UK.

The explanation later drew criticism from US Republican figures, including Senator Ted Cruz, who took to Twitter to say that the name change only concerned Beijing.

“If the WHO is so afraid of the Chinese Communist Party, how can it be trusted to call it the next time it tries to cover up a catastrophic global pandemic?” his message read.

Former US President Donald Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr responded to a tweet containing the WHO’s explanation with a rather raw comment.

“As far as I’m concerned, the original will always be the Xi variant,” he wrote.

China has also been accused of influencing “aggressively” the WHO investigation into Covid-19, to such an extent that the first opportunities to curb the global epidemic have been missed.

While there are no cases of Omicron in Australia yet, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said on Sunday that it was possible the new variant had already infiltrated the community.

His federal counterpart Greg Hunt said he would meet with the director of health, Professor Paul Kelly, on a daily basis to “examine the nature of the variant.”

“We will not hesitate if more is needed to take these steps. and continue to protect Australians, ”he told reporters.

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