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Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship explained


Jeffrey Epstein had a number of famous associates, and among those mentioned in Netflix’s new docuseries, Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, is Donald Trump. According to Vox, the two became friends in the late 1980s and had a relationship until the early 2000s. Trump praised Epstein to a New York magazine reporter in 2002, saying, “I I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. A great guy. He’s great fun to be with. ” Trump then added a now worrisome quote which Epstein was later charged with (he pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor for prostitution in 2007 and was awaiting trial for running a sex trafficking network when he died in 2019) . “It is even said that he loves beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are younger,” said Trump.

In July 2019, NBC News posted footage of a 1992 party at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Estate where Epstein was present. In the video, Trump and Epstein are seen talking and watching women on the dance floor. According to Vanity Fair, they would often attend the same dinners and visit each other. Trump even used the private Epstein jet. Here, they are pictured together at the Mar-a-Lago club in 2000 with Melania Trump and Ghislaine Maxwell, then Epstein’s girlfriend.

Davidoff Studios Photography / Archive photos / Getty Images

In 2004, however, Business Insider reports that the two broke up. According to Vanity Fair, it had to do with real estate because they had both been looking to buy the same property in Florida. Trump ultimately won the auction war, but lost friendship in the process, even banning Epstein from Mar-a-Lago.

Since becoming president, Trump has tried to distance himself from Epstein. In 2017, Trump’s lawyer Alan Garten told Politico that Trump “has no relation to Mr. Epstein and has no knowledge of his conduct.” Although the videos and photos show that they know each other at least socially, Trump said at a press conference in 2019 that he “knew him as everyone in Palm Beach knew him,” according to Vox. “I had an argument with him a long time ago. I don’t think I spoke to him for 15 years,” said the president. “I was not a fan.”

That’s not entirely true, considering the way Trump once spoke of Epstein. But it’s okay for Trump to make contradictory statements.

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