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Christian Asia Bibi’s brother-in-law killed in Pakistan


Younus, the brother-in-law of Asia Bibi, a Christian convicted of profanity by a Pakistani court, was killed Monday in Sheikhupura, in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Younus was also a Christian. Minorities in Pakistan are treated like land.

According to the FIR, Younus had visited his farms on May 24 and had not returned home at night. His body with a split throat was found on the farm the next morning.

Local sources in Pakistan said that since Younus was from the minority Christian community, he should be killed. It is not the first time that a person associated with Asia Bibi has been murdered in cold blood.

In 2011, influential Punjab governor Salman Taseer was assassinated after making headlines in the press for forgiveness from Asia Bibi, who had been sentenced to death for allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad. A month after Taseer’s death, the minister of religious minorities Shahbaz Bhatti, a Christian who spoke out against the laws, was shot dead in Islamabad, highlighting the threat posed by lawbreakers.

Asia Bibi is now living in exile after the Supreme Court of Pakistan acquitted her on the basis of insufficient evidence before her in October 2018. Recounting the grave inhuman conditions of eight years on death row on false charges of blasphemy and the pain of exile, Asia Bibi recently broke its silence to give its first personal glimpse of a test which caused international indignation.

French journalist Anne-Isabelle Tollet, who co-wrote a book about her, was once based in the country where she ran a support campaign for her. “You already know my story through the media,” she said in the book. “But you are far from understanding my daily life in prison or my new life,” she said. “I have become a prisoner of fanaticism,” she said. In prison, “tears were the only cellmates.”

Asia Bibi described the horrific conditions in the squalid prisons of Pakistan, where she was kept shackled and taunted by other detainees. Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are punishable by death for anyone who insults Islam. These dubious blasphemy laws have been used to persecute minority religions and unfairly target minorities.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan Niazi defended the country’s strict blasphemy laws during his election campaigns. The status quo is still in place. No Pakistani government is ready to make changes to the blasphemy law due to fears of a backlash from radical Wahhabi Islamists.

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