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Representative Devin Nunes to retire at end of month and plans to lead social media platform Trump


Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), A leading ally of former President Donald Trump, will step down from Congress at the end of this month to lead Trump’s new social media company.

Trump Media & Technology Group announced the appointment of Nunes as CEO in a statement released Monday evening.

“The time has come to reopen the Internet and allow the free flow of ideas and expression without censorship,” Nunes said. “The United States of America has made the Internet dream come true and it will be an American company that will restore the dream. I am humbled and honored that President Trump has asked me to lead the world-class mission and team that will keep this promise. “

Trump described Nunes in the statement as “a fighter and a leader” who “will make a great CEO of TMTG.”

“Devin understands that we must stop the liberal media and the Big Techs from destroying the freedoms that make America great,” added the 45th President. “America is ready for Social TRUTH and an end to censorship and political discrimination.

Representative Devin Nunes is reportedly retiring following the midterm elections in 2022.EPA / TASOS KATOPODIS / POOL

Nunes was seen as the frontrunner to become chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee if the GOP regains a majority after next year’s midterm elections.

The 48-year-old is currently the senior member of the House Intelligence Committee and was one of Trump’s most vocal supporters in Congress during Special Advisor Robert Mueller’s investigation into allegations of collusion between the Trump2016 campaign and Russian government officials.

In April 2017, Nunes, then chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, withdrew from the panel’s own investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign after alleging that some of Trump’s personal communications may have been swept away by the community. intelligence through “incidental collection”.

The following year, Nunes released a memo accusing the FBI of using the now discredited Steele file to obtain special court warrants allowing agents to electronically monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page .

Nunes is expected to be appointed CEO of former President Donald Trump’s Truth Social platform.Photo by CHRIS DELMAS / AFP via Getty Images

In 2019, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz discovered the office’s Russia investigation was littered with errors and relied heavily on the case file, while former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe admitted to lawmakers last year that he would not have approved a June 2017 mandate request to monitor the page. if he had known the source of the supporting evidence.

As the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, with all the weight of the mainstream media and the Washington establishment hanging over him, Devin has stood by his beliefs on behalf of his constituents and hard-working Americans. across the country, ”said Kevin McCarthy, parliamentary minority leader. (R-Calif.) Said in a statement. “And every step of the way, Devin was right. There is no better person ready to compete one-on-one and lead an alternative to the big tech and mainstream media cartel that has carried water for the Democratic Party for years than Devin.

“Devins’ departure leaves a gaping hole in this institution, but his dedication to our country will continue,” added McCarthy.

Nunes, a former dairy farmer, was first elected to the House in 2002, but was narrowly re-elected in 2018 and 2020 and is set to face an even more competitive race once changes to the duo’s map. Golden State Congress will come into effect.

However, sources close to Nunes insisted the redistribution was not a factor in his decision.




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