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Previous crash reports will be released: Imran Khan


Previous crash reports will be released: Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD / KARACHI: Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan said Thursday that the investigation report into the PIA plane crash would be presented to Parliament on June 22.

“There must be no confusion in anyone’s mind about trying to save anyone or deliberately involve someone,” he said. “I assure the family of the deceased pilot (Captain Sajjad Gul) on behalf of the Prime Minister that a transparent investigation will be carried out,” he said.

The minister said that instead of speculating, people must now trust the ongoing investigation. Sarwar said the prime minister had shown great dissatisfaction at a meeting (held on Thursday) to discuss the progress of the investigation and asked why reports of previous air disasters had never been shared.

He said that 12 of these tragedies had taken place since the birth of Pakistan, 10 of which were PIA aircraft. He promised that the reports on the 12 air disasters would be made public.

“It is our responsibility to present all the facts in a timely and transparent manner to the public.” Sarwar said immediately after the incident, the aviation ministry informed counsel with the approval of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

“The council was instructed to quickly conclude its report,” he said. The four-member investigation team consists of three members of the air force and a representative from the industry regulator.

The aviation minister said he had examined the crash site and met with the families of the deceased. He said that about 12 to 15 homes and several cars were damaged and will be assessed for compensation.

So far, 51 of the 97 bodies have been identified and returned to their heirs, he said. “We are doing our best to get the bodies back without delay.” He said that the aviation ministry will pay 500,000 rupees as compensation and that the government will pay 1 million rupees to the families of the victims. The rest will be provided by insurance companies.

He regrets that every case in the country is politicized. “There was also a plane crash in 2010. No one raised so many objections at the time.” Sarwar said that whoever was found responsible will be held responsible.

“If the plane had a technical error, that too will be recorded.” He stated that the flight data recorder and the voice recorder were being decoded and that the facts would soon be clear. “I am satisfied with the performance of our institutions,” he said.

Referring to the day of the accident, he said that the civilians showed great spirit while participating in the rescue operations. The Minister also spoke about the Civil Aviation Authority’s bifurcation project.

“On instructions from Prime Minister Imran Khan, the committee, chaired by Dr. Ishrat, will work on the fork in the Civil Aviation Authority and the matter is expected to be completed by June 30.” He said there was no credibility in the news that the debris from the plane had been lifted or removed before an adequate investigation into the matter took place.

The minister, speaking about the government’s efforts to ensure the fairness of the investigation, said: “We have tried to include representatives from various departments to analyze each aspect of the case closely. We have also included psychiatrists in the team to monitor otherwise negligible details – in the case, for example, of the pilot’s psychological state while in flight. ”

In a similar development, the cockpit voice recorder of flight PIA PK-8303 which crashed in Karachi on May 22 has finally been recovered, an airline spokesman confirmed on Thursday.

The recorder, recovered from the rubble, will greatly assist in the investigation and provide important clues to what happened in the moments leading up to the crash. The PIA spokesperson said that the tape recorder was released to the team investigating the incident.

In addition, the Airbus technical team said in its statement that the Pakistani authorities had asked them to decode the voice recorder. “We have spoken to the Pakistani team about moving the voice recorder and the flight recorder to France,” the statement said, adding that the data for the two will be decoded in France.

The removal of the wreckage began after the authorization of the Airbus investigation team arrived in Karachi on Tuesday. Experts also gathered crucial evidence from the crash site.

Trawlers, heavy machinery and various other vehicles were used to move the parts, including its cabin and tail; however, the engine, landing gear and avionics were left behind until the Airbus expert team completed its work.

The process was monitored by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) and technical and ground support personnel from Pakistan International Airlines (PIA).

In addition, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday ordered the authorities concerned to ensure a transparent and impartial investigation into the plane crash in Karachi and to make public the investigation reports into past air accidents. He was chairing a meeting here where he was briefed on the progress made so far in the PIA plane crash in Karachi.

Minister of Aviation Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Minister of Information and Broadcasting Shibli Faraz, Special Information Second Lieutenant (Asim Saleem Bajwa), Special Assistant Shahbaz Gul, Director General PIA Air Marshal Arshad Malik and Secretary of the Aviation Division Hassan Nasir Jami attended the meeting. .

The Prime Minister stressed that every effort should be made to bring the facts to light and that all the facts and details of the investigation should be made public.

Imran ordered that reports of past air accidents also be made public so that people can know the facts. Imran Khan said that compensation should be paid to the bereaved families of the martyred passengers and a package to prepare for those whose property and homes were damaged in the incident.

Completing the crash of the Karachi plane, a major tragedy, he said, “We share the grief of the bereaved families at this difficult time. The Prime Minister ordered the Civil Aviation Authority, the PIA and other relevant institutions to take steps to secure air travel.

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