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Kashmir Film Festival Report | Times state


STATE TIMES NEWSJAMMU: Due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the management committee of the Kashmir World Film Festival (KWWF) has decided to postpone the fifth edition of the 7-day festival, which was to start from June 10, 2020. This decision was made after consultation with the members of the KWFF Advisory Board. The decision on the new dates for the fifth edition of KWFF will be taken in August or September 2020. “KWFF is the first intellectual property of its kind and scope in Kashmir and since July 2017, we have successfully conducted four editions of this festival, “said a statement released by management.” Our effort is to make this festival in the list of the 10 best film festivals in the world, to give young Kashmiris and moviegoers knowledge in film making for career success and to empower the Kashmir business fraternity with tourist activities based on film production, “said Mushtaaque Ali Ahmad Khan, director of the festival. “In our previous editions held in Srinagar, we congratulated the celebrities of the film like Tabu, Madhur Bhandarkar, Rajit Kapur, Raju Ji Chadha, Rahul Mitra, Saeed Mirza, Govind Nihalani, Imam Siddiqui, Preeti Sapru, Arjuman Mughal, Rahul Bhat, Imran Khan, Ved Rahi, Sateesh Kaul, Vani Tripathi and others, “he said. “So far, in our last four editions, we have received more than 460 films and among them, only 136 films have been screened, including films from 15 countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Nepal, Poland, Spain, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, United States, etc. We also had participating films from different parts of India in different languages ​​like Assamese, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Dogri, English, Gujarati, Gurung, Hindi, Cashmere, Kuchi, Ladakhi, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Tamil, Tibetan and Urdu, “he said, adding that some of the classic and popular movies featured in different editions included movies like Do Bigha Zamin, Guide, Bajrangi Bhaijan, Dangal, Kabuliwala, Mainz Raat, Bike Thieves, Citizen Kane, Life is beautiful, 12 Angrymen, Andaz, Shree 420, Beynd the clouds, Naya Daur, Parmany, Jagte Raho and Laila Maj noon. So far, 30 foreign and indian films have been awarded, he added, adding: “More than 15,500 people, mostly young people, have participated in our festival to date. In addition to that, he said, interaction with screenwriters / directors / actors, filmmaking workshops, Master Classes on various aspects of films are also organized, in which 672 students have participated so far. “Most of them include boys and girls from different colleges and universities in different districts of Kashmir like Anantnag, Baramulla, Budgam, Pulwama and Srinagar,” he added. The advisory committee formed for the festival includes personalities like Anjum Rajabali, Anubhav Sinha, Archana Kapoor, Arunaraje Patil, Ashok Kaul, Govind Nihalani, Sayyed Humayun Qaisar, Komal Nahata, Narendra Mohan, OP Sharma, Pankaj Saxena, Premendra Majumdar, Raj Bansal , Rahul Mitra, Rajit Kapur, Raju Ji Chadha, Salim Arif, Santosh Sivan, Sarvdeep Singh, Saeed Mirza and Vinod Kapoor. For extending his support and cooperation, he expressed his gratitude to prestigious film organizations such as the Festival Direction film (DFF), the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), the National Film Archives of India (NFAI), the Films Division (FD) and the Children’s Film Society of India ( He also thanked the prestigious press houses at local, national and international levels for their tremendous support by offering detailed coverage of the festival through the print, electronic and digital media. . “Countries other than India, where news of our festival has been covered include the United States, China, Iran, Qatar, Bangladesh and others,” he added.

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