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Is the tension in Ladakh a smoke screen that Xi Jinping has created to hide domestic problems?


The coronavirus has emerged as the greatest challenge for the all-powerful Chinese President Xi Jinping. The virus is resurfacing in some Chinese cities, including the epicenter of origin, Wuhan.

The Chinese general public, also rooted in respect for the communist regime, believes that the government has mismanaged the situation of coronaviruses, endangering the lives of millions of people. They are now angry with the government for trying to muzzle voices that tried to alert them to the dangerous nature of this virus. This is evident in the “Wuhan Journal” recently published by Fang Fang.

China has long depended on a labor-intensive economy, where around 20 million migrant workers are expected to work. With coronavirus lockups spanning more than two months, China has a bigger migrant problem than India.

Estimates vary, but different agencies claim that 5 to 13 crores of workers have been dismissed or put on leave in China under the impact of the coronavirus. The data is not transparent, but the increase in unemployment can be corroborated by the Chinese government’s decision to massively increase the allocation for the unemployment benefit fund from about $ 27 billion to $ 28 billion to more than 82 billions of dollars. This fund is comparable to the EPFO ​​fund in India.

However, China has witnessed protests from rural migrant workers. According to the China Labor Bulletin, a Hong Kong-based NGO that monitors workers ‘and workers’ problems in China, around 50 migrant protests took place in China during the shutdown of the coronavirus. Demonstrators also included construction workers who helped build new hospitals for Covid-19 patients. They protested wages.

The protests came as China battled the coronavirus and attacked protests in Hong Kong over a new law – passed Thursday by the Chinese parliament or the National People’s Congress – that ends the rule ” one country, two systems “. It was under this formula that China took control of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom in 1997.

Protesters hit the streets of Hong Kong, chanting “Free Hong Kong! Revolution of our time!” The movement drew worldwide attention. The United States and its President Donald Trump have been the most active in supporting the protesters in Hong Kong.

The US-China trade war had already derailed Xi Jinping’s economic ambitions. With Donald Trump as President, Xi Jinping was struggling to play another Chinese trick. When it looked like the US-China trade war would end after their first deal earlier this year, the coronavirus became a pandemic.

The pandemic has exposed the health care infrastructure of many countries and has proven that the Trump administration – like many other governments – cannot meet the challenge. Trump’s re-election appeared to be in danger, prompting him to blame China for saying it was his deliberate attempt to influence the US elections scheduled for November of this year.

Taiwan is another problem that leads to some diplomatic isolation from China. He had already been isolated in the World Health Assembly during the coronavirus epidemic.

Following a simulation video released by China, it is widely assumed that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) plans to take military control of some of the islands belonging to Taiwan, which had become an irritant to China in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The disconcerting WHO response to the Taiwan question during the Covid-19 crisis was linked to Chinese pressure. China and the WHO drew attention after the WHO refused to recognize Taiwan even during the Covid-19 crisis.

In this context, border tensions have emerged between China and India. Chinese troops engaged in physical fights with Indian soldiers in the Sikkim and Ladakh areas. The way China has mobilized its troops gives the impression that it is predetermined voltage.

Shortly after, the Chinese president Xi Jinping Tells PLA to Prepare for War on the sidelines of the meeting of the Chinese parliament. The news was leaked by the state agency Xinhua.

Usually when a head of state tells the country’s army to prepare for war, it is not made public because it is required to alert the enemy. But China has chosen to make public the call to prepare for war.

India has intensified its presence of troops in Ladakh and Uttarakhand in response to the Chinese aggression along the LAC (real line of control), and following the call to prepare for war by Xi Jinping.

Military tension involving India is still a concern for the rest of the world. Being a democratic country with open markets, the global stake in India is very high. China has been trying for too long a hostile military policy and a cheap labor-induced manufacturing economy.

Worried India at its borders has attracted the expected response from the United States and the United Nations. Donald Trump tweeted his mediation offer. the UN calls for continued calm along the Indo-Chinese border.

And, while the world has been discussing another possible mishap of Ladakh by China, it has passed a law to take away from the people of Hong Kong democracy, freedom of expression and some of the basic rights. The same day, the Chinese envoy to India said that China not a threat in India and focused on talks to resolve any issues between the two countries.

So the question is, did Xi Jinping use Ladakh as a smokescreen to mask his domestic problems in general and the Hong Kong movement in particular? Your guess is as good as ours. But you are not the only one to connect the dots. Read MP Manish Tewari’s Twitter feed.

China has been a master of deception in diplomacy. This is how China shocked India 1962 war shortly after creating a Hind-Chini Bhai Bhai facade.

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