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Shiv Sena Attacks Prime Minister Narendra Modi During India-China Clash, Says US President Donald Trumps Mediation Offer Ridiculous | India News


MUMBAI: The ruling Maharashtras party, Shiv Sena, once again attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his bonhomie past with Chinese President Xi Jinping, claiming that it was presumed that the two leaders “ swinging on a swing ” a reduction in tensions at the India-China border, but that did not happen.

In an editorial strongly written in its spokesman Saamna, the party also made fun of the latest offer of mediation by US President Donald Trumps between the two countries.

In his editorial titled The fidget of China! Trump’s pleasure !, writes the party as the country grapples with the coronavirus crisis, Chinese troops are attacking the border. It is the usual work of China. Taking advantage of the crisis, the Chinese are still starting to fight at the border. Xi Jinping was well received by our Prime Minister Modi in Gujarat. It was served with Dhokla and Shev-Gathia, etc.

This created an atmosphere as if the Indo-Chinese border had been resolved forever. What a lie it was, it has been proven again. The Chinese army obstructs regular patrols of Indian forces along the line of control in Ladakh and Sikkim. China’s incursions into Arunachal Pradesh continue. Chinese monkeys also attack in Doklam, Sikkim, said the editorial of Saamana.

He went on to say, “Again, they fired on the border with Ladakh. On May 5, a clash between Chinese and Indian forces took place in eastern Ladakh. Since then, tensions have increased on both sides. Hundreds of soldiers on both sides were injured in these skirmishes, this situation is not good. Now the situation has become so serious that the two countries have increased their forces along the line of control in Ladakh and North Sikkim.

The party also wrote in its spokesman that China claims that the Indian forces have infiltrated their camp in Ladakh, while the Indian army considers that the part which they patrol belongs to them. The biggest joke in this dispute is that Donald Trump has expressed his desire to play the role of mediator in the border dispute between India and China. “ I’m ready to mediate between the two countries, ” said Trump. Trump’s desire to mediate is ridiculous.

Saamana’s editorial went on to say: In fact, the greatest tension between China and the United States arose due to the coronavirus crisis. Trump alleges that the coronavirus was created in a Chinese laboratory and has invaded the world. Trump called the coronavirus a “Chinese virus,” which made the Chinese head of state angry. “

Trump cut aid from the World Health Organization, saying the WHO is a puppet in the hands of China. Isn’t it a joke that Trump is now talking about mediation between India and China. To be fair, right now there are a lot of conflicts between China and the United States and relations between them have become so tense. Many Chinese provinces have just recovered from the coronavirus crisis, but the devastation caused by coronaviruses is not yet over in America.

The Uddhav Thackerays party added: The question is that when faced with such crises in our country, how can we think of mediating America? America is ready to mediate between China and India here. At the same time, Trump is preparing to present a resolution to the United Nations to recognize China’s occupied Tibet as an independent nation. If this bet is successful, it would be a big setback for China. Tibet is also a problem in the Indo-Chinese conflict. Due to the coronavirus crisis, the economies of countries like America, Hindusthan and Europe are in ruins, but not in the case of China. . US companies are reportedly consolidating their activities in China. True or false, this remains to be proven, but resentment against China stemming from the coronavirus crisis remains. As the whole world grapples with the coronavirus, the worm of imperialism and fanaticism in China persists.

In such a situation, Trump’s “ offer ” of arbitration is mockery of the third degree. Trump also offered to mediate on the Kashmir issue. India has not paid attention. Trump should first save his country from the crown crisis. These shocks continue to come from China. The Indian army is capable of managing it. What exactly is happening on the border between India and China, our Minister of Defense should tell the Indian public with confidence! Saamana editorial said.

It should be noted that Shiv Sena had repeatedly ridiculed PM Modis for being gentle with China, saying that Beijing has always betrayed India and will do so in the future.

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