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Xi leads China’s battle against poverty


BEIJING, May 28 (Xinhua) – China has convened the “two sessions” after a postponement of more than two months due to COVID-19 as the country makes its homestretch to “Xiaokang”, a moderately prosperous company in all respects .

Attended by around 3,000 national legislators and 2,000 political advisers, the week-long event in Beijing reassured that the timing of the key target will not change, despite the pandemic and the global economic recession.

Xiaokang will be the first commitment to be realized during the realization of the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

President Xi Jinping, also secretary general of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and chairman of the Central Military Commission, joined national legislators and political advisers to discuss state affairs.

The will and the strength of the country to overcome all the difficulties have manifested and a well-to-do society for 1.4 billion Chinese people is in sight.


A meal of meat and staple foods made from fine flour was an unrealistic wish during difficult times decades ago in Liangjiahe, a village in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, where Xi spent seven years of his youth working alongside the peasants.

Now, Xi is leading the country’s battle to eradicate the absolute poverty that has haunted the country for thousands of years.

About 5.51 million people remained poor at the end of 2019, but China intends to lift them out of poverty by the end of this year. The total number of people emerging from poverty will have reached 100 million since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012.

The weakest point in achieving the first centenary objective will therefore have been substantiated.

The commitment to eradicate poverty reflects the people-centered philosophy of China. Xi stressed that there is a need to act in all aspects of the job.

Although caught off guard by COVID-19, China has never sought short-term economic gains at the cost of life.

Among the deputies of the National People’s Congress (AFN), Luo Jie, a 53-year-old health professional from Hubei province, was hit hard by COVID-19. He told reporters how doctors at his hospital spent 47 days saving an 87-year-old patient. In Hubei alone, more than 3,600 COVID-19 patients over the age of 80 have been cured.

Xi said he was really impressed with Luo’s story.

“What do people do first?” Xi asked before offering his own answer. “So many have worked together to save a single patient. This, in essence, embodies doing whatever it takes (to save lives).” During the discussions, he also underlined the strengthening of the public health protection network.

The concept of Xiaokang also means democracy, the rule of law, equity, justice and a good environment, everything that the Chinese people aspire to.

The AFN adopted the Civil Code on Thursday, the first law defined as a “code” of the People’s Republic of China. The law will further refine the basic legal system and the country’s rules of conduct in the civil and commercial fields.

Sun Xianzhong, an AFN deputy who participated in the development of the civil code, said that it fully protects the rights of people, guaranteeing their security, equality and dignity.

Meanwhile, the wide range of topics covered in the two sessions, including smart manufacturing, the application of 5G, care for the elderly, as well as the protection and heritage of ethnic minority languages, offered a glimpse of the rapid rebound in the world’s second largest economy. of COVID-19.

China has also forecast a further decline in energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product and a reduction in releases of the main pollutants this year to promote the country’s green development.

China has surpassed a worldwide trust index for three consecutive years, with record public confidence in its government, businesses, media and NGOs, according to results from the Edelman Trust 2020 barometer released in March .


The Chinese economy contracted 6.8% year on year in the first quarter. Consumption, investment and exports have declined. The pressure on employment has increased considerably. Companies, in particular micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, are facing increasing difficulties.

Globally, the pandemic has ravaged the global economic order, disrupted industrial and supply chains and caused international trade to contract, which is expected to be between 13 and 32% in 2020, according to the WTO.

China has not set a specific economic growth target this year due to great uncertainty, but has drawn up practical plans to secure more than 9 million new urban jobs, giving more than 100 million full play commercial entities and improve people’s livelihoods.

Xi stressed the analysis of China’s economic situation from a global, dialectical and long-term perspective, urging efforts to foster new opportunities amid challenges and make further advances amid changes.

He also highlighted the creation of a new development model in which domestic and foreign markets can stimulate each other, with the domestic market as a pillar.

The government has decided to further reduce taxes, reduce production and operating costs for businesses, and increase financial support to maintain the stability of business operations.

Liaoning Oxiranchem, Inc., a chemical producer affected by COVID-19, saw its production drop 26% and profits plummet 80% year-on-year in the first quarter.

Helped by government policies, Oxiranchem’s production and sales in May are catching up, said company president and policy advisor Zhu Jianmin. “Government efforts to protect the economy by unblocking and stabilizing industrial and supply chains will help more private businesses exit.”

The two sessions this year also sent signals of acceleration of reforms in key areas, including public enterprises, factor markets, finance and taxation, social security and governance at the primary level.

Priority will be given to new infrastructure, new urbanization initiatives and major projects, which will not only stimulate consumption but will also facilitate structural adjustments and strengthen the sustainability of growth.

China is also making more efforts to foster a more dynamic and supportive business environment in which all businesses are treated equally and engaged in fair competition, with enhanced protection of intellectual property rights.

“The Chinese nation is capable of turning crises into opportunities, disadvantages into advantages and turning costs into the engine of progress,” said Han Qingxiang, professor at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.


The world today is undergoing profound changes that have not been seen in a century and is full of instability and turbulence.

“Protectionism is on the rise worldwide, but we must stand on the right side of history,” said Xi, emphasizing his commitment to multilateralism, greater democracy in international relations, as well as openness and win-win cooperation.

The China International Import Expo, the first national import exhibition, will be held for the third year in Shanghai. Over 1,400 companies have registered.

Despite the impact of COVID-19, Chinese investment in Belt and Road countries and regions increased by 11.7% year-on-year in the first quarter, with trade growth of 3.2% .

The future of Chinese diplomacy lies in the commitment to work with all countries to build a community with a common future for humanity, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi told reporters on the sidelines of the AFN session. “Whatever the stage of development reached, China will never seek hegemony. We will always be at the side of the common interests of all countries”

In the meantime, China will firmly protect its sovereignty, security and development interests.

The national legislator adopted a decision on Thursday on the establishment and improvement of the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in order to protect national security.

China is about to enact national security laws for Hong Kong, the ruling said, which also introduced measures to strengthen enforcement mechanisms, including allowing central government security organs to establish agencies in Hong Kong if necessary.

Legislators and political advisers have agreed that such an approach is imperative, urgent, justified and legitimate.

The two sessions mapped out the path for the Chinese homestretch towards a key stage in modernization. For the first time in human history, a country of over a billion people will be relatively well off.

Yet China is still the largest developing country in the world. Xiaokang is a new starting point on the road to a great national rejuvenation.

The pursuit of the dream of the Chinese people never stops. New glory is coming.

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