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Twitter Adds Warning Tag To Trump Tweet About ‘Shooter’ Protesters – Variety


Just hours after President Donald Trump issued an executive order to remove legal protections from social media companies that “censor” the speech, Twitter applied another warning label to one of Trump’s tweets on Friday morning – the company saying its message about the troubles in Minneapolis. violated its policy banning content that glorifies violence.

Trump, in a tweet at 12:53 p.m. ET Friday, said that “when looting begins, filming begins,” referring to the Minneapolis rioters who took to the streets following the death of George Floyd, the man who died on Monday while in police custody. The video shows a city police officer kneeling on his neck.

“… .These THUGS dishonor the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen,” Trump said in the tweet, which is now hidden on Twitter service behind the warning message. “I just spoke to [Minnesota] Governor Tim Walz and told him that the soldiers were with him all the time. Any difficulty and we will take control but, when the looting begins, the shooting begins. Thank you!”

Just over two hours later, Twitter said it put a warning label on the tweet. According to Twitter, Trump’s tweet “violates our policies regarding the glorification of violence based on the historical context of the last line, its connection to the violence and the risk that it could inspire similar actions today.”

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The company continued, “We have taken steps to prevent others from being inspired to commit acts of violence, but we have kept the Tweet on Twitter because it is important that the public can always see the Tweet given its relevance for current activities. matters of public importance. “

Twitter’s new warning label for Trump’s tweet came after the company on May 26 – for the first time – affixed fact-checking labels to two of its inaccurate tweets on postal ballots. Trump, furious that Twitter is adding “potentially misleading” warnings to his messages, retaliated on Thursday by issuing a decree ordering federal agencies to reinterpret section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to remove immunity from legal liability of networks Social workers who “engage in censorship or other political conduct.” Legal experts said the Trump order appeared unconstitutional and would be challenged in court.

For politicians like Trump, the policy of Twitter is to leave in place tweets which would constitute violations for the regular users, but which the company considers as “of public interest”. In June 2019, Twitter announced a policy that tweets from politicians who violate its usual policies would be posted with a warning in front of the tweets. The decision made on Friday is the first time Twitter has applied this policy to one of Trump’s tweets.

According to Twitter, “As is the norm with this notice, engagements with the Tweet [from Trump about Minneapolis] will be limited. People will be able to retweet with a comment, but will not be able to like, respond to, or retweet it. “

When posted on Twitter platforms, the warning hides the text of Trump’s tweet until a user clicks “View” to view it. However, the label does not appear when the tweet is integrated into third-party sites.

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