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Imran Khan Pontificates Doctor Heal Yourself – Latest Jammu and Kashmir News | Tourism


BL SarafA few days ago, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan issued a statement alleging that minorities in India are being targeted by extremist groups and warned that such a program “is a real and ongoing threat to regional peace “. He took to Twitter to make the accusation following alleged inflammatory and provocative speeches made against minorities at an event in Hardiwar, Utrakhand. He called on the international community “to take note and act”. Last month, Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry convened the Charged Affairs of India and expressed concern over the alleged hate speech held at the Hardiwar conclave. it follows since the dawn of independence. His rant is nothing but “Devil quoting the scriptures”. He is the protege of the elements in Pakistan who are hated around the world for the violent and bigoted political game they play. Khan survives thanks to their tender mercy. No wonder he had to give in to the Tehriek e labbiek (TEL) fanatics and release their thousands of earlier detained workers, including the leader, Saad Hussain. They were arrested following protests that erupted over the appointment of the new ISI leader. Imran Khan presides over a regime whose core voters revel in honoring even murderers. Who can forget the enthusiastic welcome, with an abundant shower of rose petals, granted by the Lahore Bar Association to the assassin of the then governor of the province of Punjab, Salman Taseer, whom he had to protect. The dejected governor’s only fault was speaking up for the poor Christian lady, Aisya Bi, who was facing allegations of having committed a non-existent crime of blasphemy. The Pakistani Prime Minister must know that it is not what the fringe in India say that constitutes a threat to “peace in the region”. The horde of armed mercenaries that his establishment exports to our part of Kashmir to sow chaos are, through their avowed sectarian politics and belief in violence, a real threat to the peace and stability of the region. Imran Khan should stop shedding crocodile tears for Indian Muslims, and instead be sincere about his country’s recently unveiled defense policy, which emphasizes economic development and good neighborly relations, and speaks of “no of war with India for the next hundred years”. leave Imran Khan to his rants and rants, but we will be doing our heritage and our culture a disservice if we fail to appreciate a concern, poetically, expressed by another Pakistani, Fahmida Riyaz. Referring to the lamentable situation her country has gone through – and is going through, she, in a lament expressed in a poetic vein, warns us that we are about to tread her country’s inglorious path and urges us in a veiled way to retrace our steps:Tum bilkul hum jaise nikleyVoh murkhta voh ghumandJis mein hum ney sadian ganwandiAkhar pohnchey dwar tuhariArey badhai bhuat badhai madness and pride that have wasted our centuries; has finally reached your door; remains commended – immensely There is no doubt that India’s secular moorings are firmly entrenched in heritage and indelibly enshrined in the Constitution, but sometimes fringe elements – with the tacit support of some members of the political establishment – trigger tremors likely to cause cracks in these traditions. . Hardiwar’s alleged cry to purge the homeland of the ‘undesirables’ and the actions of a few to ‘purify the land of the pure’ do not sit well with our great nation’s pluralistic ethos and glorious image that shines India in the galaxy of countries, dotting the world map. Bigoted and hateful cries add no feather to India’s hat. Such actions are, on the one hand, fraught with the danger of tearing society apart and, on the other hand, have serious implications for our national security. Some military veterans summed it up succinctly in a letter to the president and prime minister. While expressing their angst over the development of Hardiwar, their note of caution on the national security front is palpable; Given the current situation on our borders, any attack on peace and harmony within the Nation will embolden hostile external forces. The unity and cohesion of our men and women in uniform, including CAPFs and police forces, will be seriously affected by permitting such blatant calls for violence against any community in our diverse society and plural. the realm of rhetoric and grapple with what, unfortunately, we have been witnessing for some time now. This being election season, every section of society and the instruments of the state like the police, the judiciary and, most importantly, the electoral commission, must be on their toes to check the threat of hate. It does the nation’s reputation no good to make global headlines for all the wrong reasons. The world still regards India as a progressive, democratic and pluralistic nation governed by the Constitution. Our soft power characterized by religious and linguistic diversity and richness, Ayurveda, Yoga, tourism, specialization in the fields of medicine and engineering, Bollywood etc. contribute to making an impression. People may dismiss hate speech as a marginal act. But if the unwanted activity continues unchecked and unchecked by those in authority in Delhi, those same people will soon be forced to realize that in India the ‘Fringe’ has metamorphosed into the ‘Vanguard’. It will be calamitous for us as a nation. It is heartening to note that the Supreme Court has taken cognizance of the developments that have taken place in Hardiwar. But, it is above all the duty of the executive to stem the rot that is about to take hold. Those at the helm must therefore begin to act firmly on these errant elements, lest we enter the world of radicalization. In this regard, any inaction on our part would unwittingly grant “sanctity” to “hate followers” ​​living across the western border. And, there will be very little left in our moral arsenal to challenge them. (The author is the former Senior District and Sessions Judge)




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