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Imran Khan must care about his own citizens first – OpEd – Eurasia Review


Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has expressed concern through Twitter in the past: “Minorities in India are being targeted by extremist groups and such an agenda is a real and ongoing threat to regional peace. He made the allegation in the context of derogatory and provocative speeches against Muslims made by some so-called saints during the so-called Parliament of Religions (Dharma sansad) held in Haridwar last December. Imran Khan also asked if the Bharatiya Janata Party government would accept the demand for mass destruction of minorities in India. The country in which more than 200 million Muslims live? He said this is the time when the international community must realize this and act. Even before that, last month, Pakistan’s foreign ministry called an Indian official to appear and voiced its objection to allegedly provocative speeches delivered at Haridwar’s Parliament of Religions. Even then, Pakistan told the Indian side that the alleged inflammatory speeches were viewed with grave concern by civil society.

The “alleged concern” expressed by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan about Indian Muslims raises a number of questions. First, does the prime minister of a “country like Pakistan” have the moral right to express concern for Indian Muslims? Nor is the condition of minorities in Pakistan itself hidden from the world. In Pakistan, like in the Haridwar Parliament of Religions, a mob from any extremist community or faith rise up and start challenging any community. Keep talking about destroying them. In the days to come, news like the kidnapping of a girl from a minority society, her forced conversion and her marriage keep coming. In this Pakistan, not only simple bombings but also suicide bombings are perpetrated against religious places like mosques, dargahs, imam bargahs and processions etc. Not only against temples, gurdwaras and churches but also against different sections of Muslims. Pakistan is the only country that adopted the Taliban, raised it and now the same Taliban is out of Pakistan’s control?

Pakistan’s concern for Indian Muslims also raises the question that the people of your country, your government and leaders, who claimed to be ‘pro-Muslim’, did not fight against their own ‘community’ (Muslims) of East Pakistan. Why did you behave in such a way that a situation like 1971 was created? Where was Pakistan’s Muslim love at that time? In fact, it was the greatest deception done in the name of religion that Indian Muslims were deceived in the name of religion and only between 1947 and 1971 did regionalism raise its flag higher than religion? The wrong time has come for Rohingya Muslims today. Even no concern is shown by Pakistan for the Rohingya Muslims. While Bangladesh is a major country to give them shelter.

Referring to Pakistan’s economic situation in the past, Imran Khan himself admitted that “no government in the history of Pakistan has faced such a deficit in revenue and current account”. If our friendly countries China, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia had not provided the funds, we would have defaulted. We had no money to pay off the debt. There were no dollars to keep the rupee from falling. While this statement by Imran Khan points to the sinking economy of Pakistan, it also forces one to think that Imran Khan, who is worried about anti-Muslim events in India, has finally agreed with Muslims Uyghurs from the Chinese province of Xinjiang. Why did you never express your “love of religion” when calling out the Chinese Embassy official against the government’s atrocities? In China, many large detention centers have been set up for Muslims, where everything that cannot even be imagined happens to them. But the world is silent. I wonder if Pakistan, who cares about the Muslims of the world, is so silent? Is the reason for this silence that China saved Pakistan from default by donating funds?

In fact, the two countries used to be the same, so the policy of the two countries is also the same. When the governments of the two countries need to distract the people’s attention from issues of public concern, then the two countries begin to raise the issue of “discrimination and oppression” against each other. minorities”. By keeping Kashmir at the center, the two countries are starting to ignite the flame of “nationalism” among their compatriots. Inflation and unemployment are not managed by the governments of the two countries, but the concern of minorities in the other country continues to haunt everyone. Instead of protecting the minorities of our country and bringing them justice, crocodile tears are shed in the name of complacency.

Indian Muslims are still as happy and safe in India as any other country in the world. The liberal Indian citizens of the country’s Gandhian ideology have always sided with Indian Muslims. Even today in India, the government that raised the Hindutva flag, due to whose support there is a discourse against a particular religion like the so-called Dharma Sansad of Haridwar, is most opposed by people associated with Indian Hindu society. Actions are taken against the culprits. He is condemned nationally and internationally. People who do such anti-religious things are also against Muslims, so at the same time they are also against Gandhi and also in favor of Gandhi’s assassin, Nathu Ram Godse. From this, one can guess that it is some kind of poisonous ideology whose job is to try to stay in power by spreading hatred in society. The entire Indian society, which protects our composite culture (Ganga-Yamuni Tahzeeb) is opposed to these efforts. That is why Imran sahib, it would be better for you to leave the concerns of Indian Muslims and worry about your own countrymen.




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