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The decision to send Nawaz Sharif abroad was that of Prime Minister Imran: Asad Umar – Pakistan


ISLAMABAD: A key member of the federal cabinet and one of Pakistan’s top Tehreek-i-Insafs (PTI) leaders have spilled the beans on the government’s decision to allow former prime minister Nawaz Sharif to visit abroad for medical reasons, saying the decision was 100% made by Prime Minister Imran Khan alone.

Appearing on Geo News Naya Pakistan, Federal Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar said he was one of six to eight senior PTI leaders present in the room when the decision to send the former overseas prime minister was taken.

He also revealed there was a difference of opinion over whether the former prime minister should be allowed to leave.

However, he said the prime minister now believed the medical reports on which the decision to allow Mr Sharif to leave the country for treatment was made were falsified.

PTI cancels membership of ex-official Ahmed Jawads

During his interrogation, show host Shahzad Iqbal pointed out that the prime minister had accused the judiciary of letting the former prime minister get away and asked Mr Umar, who also heads the National Command and Control Center (NCOC), whose decision was to allow the former Sharif to travel abroad for treatment.

Clarifying his position, Mr. Umar told Dawn that he made the remark in the context of the question being asked whether permission to leave the country had been given to Mr. Sharif by the government or someone else. ‘other.

In response to this question, I said that the government was completely independent to make its own decisions and that the decision on the departure of Nawaz was taken solely by the Prime Minister, he said.

Nawaz Sharif, who was convicted in a corruption case, was allowed to travel abroad for treatment in November 2019. In the past, the prime minister and his aides had repeatedly tried to justify their decision , saying the government cleared Mr. to leave based on authentic medical reports.

Before his departure, while Nawaz Sharif was being treated in a hospital in Lahore, the Prime Minister also claimed to have secretly sent medical experts to inquire about his state of health.

Mr. Asad also told Dawn that he was among those who supported the decision to allow Mr. Sharif to leave the country.

He said Dr Faisal Sultan and other medical experts had also reviewed Nawaz Sharifs’ medical reports and suggested he should be allowed to travel abroad.

Medical experts were of the opinion that nothing will most likely happen to Nawaz, but medical reports suggest his condition could be life-threatening, he said.

Mr. Umar claimed that given Nawaz’s medical history, in addition to his new illness, the government was not ready to accept any blame for preventing Mr. Sharif from seeking treatment because of a blood feud Politics.

Cancellation of membership of PTI leaders

Meanwhile, the ruling PTI revoked the party membership of its former information secretary Ahmed Jawad for violating party discipline.

According to the PTI announcement, Mr Jawad had made serious allegations against the party leadership and received two show cause notices this month.

However, the party said that instead of responding to the notice, Mr Jawad instead leveled further accusations at the party leadership.

Dawn attempted to reach Mr. Jawad for his perspective, but he could not be reached for comment.

Aid to Afghanistan

In a tweet on Saturday, Prime Minister Khan again called on the international community to provide immediate humanitarian aid to millions of Afghans who faced the imminent threat of starvation.

The Prime Minister also recalled that providing immediate aid to an impoverished Afghanistan was also mandatory under the principle of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) unanimously adopted by the United Nations.

In his tweet, the Prime Minister also linked to a report, published in the UK’s Guardian newspaper, containing excerpts from a letter written by former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown to UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, l calling for help to convene a donors’ conference. raise $4.5 billion ($3.3 billion) for Afghanistan.

In his article, Mr Brown warned that more than 23 million people risked starvation if aid did not materialise.

Posted in Dawn, January 23, 2022




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