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We cannot remain silent: Massachusetts public officials condemn President Donald Trumps’ threat to use the U.S. military to quell protests


From Attorney General Maura Healey to Senator Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts public officials did not mince words in criticism of President Donald Trump on Monday for threatening to use military force to quell protests that broke out across the country. country after the murder of George Floyd.

Protests broke out across the United States after Floyds’ death on Remembrance Day. The unarmed black man, 46, died after a white Minneapolis police officer pinned his knee to Floyds’ neck for nearly nine minutes.

The officer, later identified as Derek Chauvin, has since been charged with murder and manslaughter.

While many protests sparked by Floyds’ death remained peaceful, clashes between officers and protesters, as well as looting and acts of vandalism were reported. Some demonstrations have even become fatal.

In Boston, 53 people were arrested on Sunday after three rallies. Although the protests were largely non-violent, officials said that several people threw sticks, fireworks and other objects at the officers. Law enforcement officials also struck some people with pepperball projectiles, pepper spray and tear gas, WBUR reported.

At a press conference on Monday, Trump noted that justice will be done for George and his family, “but he spoke out harshly about the violence reported during the protests. In recent days, the nation has been torn apart by crowds, arsonists, looters and others, the president told reporters.

He will not be dead in the vein, “Trump said of Floyd. We cannot allow the cries of the righteous and the peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry crowd.

The president went on to claim without evidence that a number of state and local governments had not taken the necessary steps to protect their residents, noting that he would take immediate presidential action “to stop the riots by mobilizing all resources available, civilian and military. “

Trump said he strongly recommended “that each governor of the United States deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers so that the authorities can dominate the streets.”

“Mayors and governors must establish an overwhelming presence of law enforcement until the violence is stopped,” said the president. If a city or state refuses to take the necessary steps to defend the lives and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States Military to quickly resolve the problem for them.

Commonwealth Democratic politicians quickly condemned the presidents’ comments, calling him cowardly, “bully” and racist commander-in-chief. “They argued that his words could incite violence and that there was no need for soldiers on the streets.

One of the noisiest social media critics was U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton, a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. Congressman urged men and women in uniform to lay down their arms and join this new march for freedom “if Trump decides to abuse the military as a tyrant would, to stifle dissent and freedom.

We are a nation based on dissent, born in freedom, committed to equality and yet we have regularly reminded that we strive to achieve all three. The president clarified that the fight for these constitutional principles is a fight against himself, Moulton tweeted. We must therefore, with every ounce of conviction, every commitment to peace and every ray of hope, join in a legitimate protest to overcome its tyranny.

Be on the right side of history: on the side of the patriots, our Constitution, our flag and our freedom.

Catherine Clark, an American representative in the 5th district of Massachusetts, noted that the president’s response to the country’s pain and call for justice was to threaten citizens with violence.

It is not an exercise. The great nations are falling. We cannot remain silent. We cannot rest until this coward is removed from office, she tweeted.

Longtime Trumps critic US Senator Elizabeth Warren also went on Twitter to disagree, saying that individuals will fight for justice for black lives in America, even though our racist commander-in-chief attempts to impede.

The president threatened to seize towns and villages with military force. Peaceful protesters were gassed to tears so that he could get a photo op, she tweeted, apparently referring to Trumps’ controversial decision to take photos outside a church in Washington, DC, amidst demonstrations in the national capital.

Peaceful protesters were forced by the federal police to disperse to make room for the president. Although the rally was legal and the protesters non-violent, authorities used tear gas, rubber bullets and flash bangs unprovoked, Mayo Muriel Bowser told Washington D.C.

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey said in a statement on Monday that she was deeply disturbed by the president’s actions, saying there was no room for the U.S. military on the street.

At a time when we need empathy and unity, his rhetoric will only serve to divide people and ignite tensions, said the Democratic prosecutor. “The time has come to come together, listen to each other and work hard to build a more equitable Massachusetts.

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